
Tips for motorcycle camping?

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I've been motorcycle camping for about 5 years. I leave for about a week each summer and travel a bit over 1000 miles camping each night. Even though I'm comfortable doing this I'm sure some of you have tips that will be useful. I ride an '03 VStar 650 and carry everything I need except food (and beer). I usually pick it up in the nearest town before setting up camp for the night.




  1. Have you browsed through the Adventure Rider forum?

    Lots of information on motorcycle camping.


  2. Before you go, buy very cheap socks, T shirt & underpants. One set for each day. When they have been worn once, throw them away. Makes it easier to pack every day you are away.

    If you have a satnav, make sure you leave it at home, take a map instead. Pick a rough destination and head in that direction. If you miss a turning, go somewhere else. If you wanted an easy life you should have stayed at home & you shouldn't have bought a motorcycle. Go on have an adventure, you know you want to.

  3. Get yourself (if you weren't one) a Boy Scout Field Book. Lots of Great info in there with things you never thought of.

    Keep the Rubber side Down!

    You meet the Nicest people on Motorcycles!

  4. It sounds like a fun time. I don't have anything to add, except that I wore my ipod for the first time on a fairly long trip last weekend. I have argued against it to a lot of people over the last few years, but I thought I would give it a try. It was a really nice change to have some music. I know it cuts down on hearing, but it'ts no worse than in my car. I didn't use it the whole time, but it was a really nice addition to the trip. There are times in long trips where just the joy of being out on the road loses its cool factor. I get bored and tired, and I feel like renting a truck to drive me and the bike home. It always passes, but it's still a bummer. The ipod really helped with that.

  5. Don't eat yellow snow.

  6. It sounds like you have a handle on things.  My wife and I are motorcycle campers, but she's a camp cook,

    Pissing  near your bike to keep javalinas from trying to open the bags might be something you're not familiar with.

    ride safe.

  7. Watch out for bears.

  8. Don't smile when you sleep.

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