
Tips for new snowboarder going on learn to board holiday in 2 weeks?

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Tips for new snowboarder going on learn to board holiday in 2 weeks?




  1. Buy some crash pants!

    Also try and get used to a dry-slope, one or two goes on it will make a lot of difference because on the snow it is a lot more forgiving.

    And don't be a silent assasin when you're out on the pistes, I've had many a french skiier hit me on my blind side before. Make sure that you shout "I'm going to hit you!" very loud if you're heading for a tumble or can't stop in time :P

    Have a good holiday!

  2. Go have a go at a local dry slope before you go to get the hang of the very basics! you will fall over and over and over at first it took me 2 half days to get the hang and switch from front foot to back foot! and visa versa

    If I where you id take some muscle relaxant for the bath to sooth you aches it hurts at first but you will love it after you get the hang! seriously snowboarding is my favourite thing ever!

    have fun!

  3. Im not sure about going to dry slopes to learn, (or artificial snow slopes) as for a beginner you need to be prepared to fall over a lot! and this is less painful on real snow! THe deeper the better!

    Dont start out on the flat! Go for a blue slope, have a friend to help you or an instructor.  First you face down the slope, digging your heels in and just edge down getting a feel for the board.  Once you feel confident to turn - you must commit and do it quickly, turn and go up onto the balls of the foot and edge that way.  If you dont you will end up falling or flying down the slope at 100 miles an hour and then falling!

    Push up off the ground as you turn to lift the board slightly and make it easier to turn.  

    Dont give up too easily - you will get there!

  4. Make sure you wear the following.

    crash helmet

    wrist guards

    knee pads

    impact shorts.

    without these you are open to all injuries.

    also be prepaired to fall for the 1st 2/3 days once you link your tunrs you are well on your way to becoming a top class snowboarder --)))

    good luck

  5. Take some lessons!  It's the most obvious and most helpful answer you'll get, I promise.

    The instructors are certified and trained to get you up and riding in the shortest amount of time possible and they'll teach you everything in simple steps.  It takes a few days to get the hang of snowboarding and be able to enjoy the gnar without falling over every seventeen seconds so it's best to get a jumpstart with a lesson.

    If you try to teach yourself you'll probably wind up hating snowboarding, injured or with a ton of bad habits.

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