
Tips for snowbording?

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I will be going snowbording for the first time this winter.

I surf and wakeboard so I have some athletic balance.

Any tips?





  1. Take a lesson.

    Seriously.  Take a lesson.  It'll cost you a few bucks but the instructors will know what to tell you to get you riding in the shortest amount of time and in the safest way possible.  Friends might be able to kind of say "look!  Like this!" but they don't usually know why it works and how to break it down for a newbhie.

  2. Just take it easy,

    Know how to stop, which means you are standing forward,, both feet are in front of you and your board is like this ____ in front of you make sure you lean back a little bit when you are breaking.

    Watch some viedos on you tube, like lessons on snowboarding thats how I learned it was on comcast..

    find your comfortable side..

    you should be fine since you surf and wake board.. blance wise..

    But deffently watch some videos so you know what Im talking about Lol.
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