
Tips for soon to be 7th graders?

by  |  earlier

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help me all my friends moved




  1. Go to school happy, greet everyone with a smile and don't take anything personally.  You will do just fine.  Exchange phone numbers with new kids and call and talk about your mutual classes.  

  2. I fly like paper, get high like planes

    If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name

    If you come around here, I make 'em all day

    I get one down in a second if you wait

  3. dont worry bud itll be ok. its really easy to make friends in a bigger school. people sitting at your table, lunch, different classes, anywhere. its ok youll get friends soon. :D

  4. Really impress your classmates by punching your teacher in the face when she asks for your homework.

  5. get all the supplies that staples offer. im talking about 256 pack crayons, 64 pack colored penciles, post its, gel, roller, ballpoint pens, wide ruled looseleaf (like 70 packs), 3 inch binders, mechanical pencils, pokemon and rainbow like folders, white out (so you can sniff something in class), 24 pack sharpies, 12 pack highlighters, get a laptop while you're at it.. so you can REALLY impress everyone. also get a roller backpack for those hard times that you have to carry all of your supplies around. the rollies make the carrying easier.

    also get a sidekick and an iphone. and since you're buying all of this, get a new ipod and some new music.

    also, remember to buy notebooks and notepads. and those yellow legal sized ones.

    also, if you want to do good, buy chalk for those moments where your teacher runs out of chalk. also buy some groves for her too, incase she has chalky hands.  

  6. try to get one good friend and then you can get more friends as u progress thru the year.

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