
Tips for soothing my daughter's infection

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My five month old has a yeast infection from diarrea and I was wandering if anyone had some good soothing tips because she is in so much pain. We let her have "bare butt time", got the Vusion ointment, and have been putting bag balm over the Vusion ointment to help protect the area as well as putting corn starch baby powder with aloe in her diaper at night time. I was just wandering if I am doing everything possible or if I am missing anything. Also my daughter has had really bad diarrea and the doctor isn't sure what the cause may be because she doesn't act ill. Just jas the diarrea. Has anyone else heard of this? Thank you in advance.




  1. its very sensitive matter, consult a good child specialiest

  2. I havn't heard of it before but I suggest you try to get in touch with an expert to help you out. also try to look online and find solutions.

    good luck!

  3. my daughter had nappy rash because of diarreah to the point it was close to bleeding and this may sound strage but just go to the supermarket and buy just normal corn flour that you use for cooking and stuff and every nappy change put that on her

    my daughters rash strated clearing up within a couple of times of using it and was gone in a couple of days

    and before using that id tried every cream you could  i could reccomend ant\ything better and it cost like $2 to buy

    seriously for the sake of your little one give it a go

  4. have you tried changing what she eats?  

  5. Dont know about the diarreah but you could try putting something cool on her booty to bring down the swelling and itchyness!

  6. My 6 month old had a similar problem that we just got over and what really helped us was to let her little bottom soak in the bathtub. I would actually get in first and hold her while my husband helped clean her up. She seemed to like it more because she thought it was funny to kick her legs and splash mom with water. Then just make sure to let her air dry very well before putting any cream and a diaper on. I had to go to her Dr. and get a prescription cream so maybe try that. Good luck and if you have any other questions email me.

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