
Tips for <span title="Freshmen..................?">Freshmen....................</span>

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Tips for Freshmen....................




  1. Dont try to act gangter, get involved in everything you can, don&#039;t listen to your druggy friends, dont just stand randomly in the hall way, i hate when people do that, i seriously plow over them.  

  2. listen to marina. Oh, and don&#039;t be a baby either. Have fun

  3. KEEP YOUR GRADES UP... keep them up you don&#039;t what to be known as the lazy dumb *** or something. don&#039;t p**s off the upper class-men but don&#039;t let them run all over you stick up for yourself. do something out of this world that people will know you for that&#039;s what i did everyone at first is a freshman who gives a **** but do something that will catch some peoples eye don&#039;t try to hook up with upper class-men if you a guy :D tip for girls don&#039;t be w***e ummm. dress nice and find your own style just buy things you think is cool/cute don&#039;t worry about what others think of it participate in as many things you can and get involved but not overly involved :D get a new hair do you know get something different where people notice you... most of all be confident :D

    i hope i helped i went through being a freshman last year  

  4. Stay with your friends, enjoy life, and keep that GPA going strong. Don&#039;t start trouble with people, and branch out as much as you can. You still have 3 more years of BS and &quot;drama&quot; ahead of you; try to enjoy a calm year while you can.

  5. im a sophmore this year so i made it through my freshman year alright, basicly get in volved, dont be a poser, stick to your friends and dont be &quot;GOOFY&quot; lol if u do that you will be fine socialy, if ur talkin about grade wise then  then just study very hard :) i know its dorky but it realy works and remember, have fun XD

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