
Tips for spiking better?

by  |  earlier

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i have a really powerful spike, but every time i hit it goes to far and ends up being out. i make sure to snap my wrist, but my problem is i don't jump high enough. anybody got any tips or websites to help me?




  1. Be sure to get ur hand on top of the ball and snap ur wrist...dont get under the ball. mos of important, is keeping ur eyes on the ball when ur hitting it....

  2. what helped me a lot was when somebody showed me to hit the ball when it is in front of me, and not when it is directly above me. When you hit the spike when it is right above you, you automatically hit it farther... but when it is a foot or two in front of you when you make contact with the ball, it hits it down at a greater angle. I hope this helps you out!

  3. i guess you could work on your take-off

    be sure that if you are right handed, your left foot should be the first one to approach the ball followed by your right then closing your left to your right leading to a jump.

    this would make your jump higher giving you more force to spike.

    your hands shouldn't be so relaxed nor so firm. Just right

  4. when hitting make high contact with the ball....

    as for your verticle jump... here are some excercises to help increase it

    try calf raises.. either on flat ground and raise yourself up onto your tip toes and back sets of 15-20... or do it on a bench or something where you stand on the edge and raise yourself all the way up on your toes... and then lower yourself below the bench...

    also do lots of tuck jumps.... a great way to do this is to squat with your knees at a 90 degree angle for 15-20 seconds then jump as high as you can while pulling your knees up to your chest approximately 3-5 times... then repeat.... this one is really tiring and you may need to take frequent breaks

  5. You already mentioned snapping your wrist.  You could try one more thing: keep the ball 2 foot in front of your hitting shoulder.  I am assuming your timing is good, so I am not going to talk about it.

    For a good spike you really don't have to jump more than 6 inches above the net.  In fact sometimes you can get a good hit even from net level as long as you put a good spin on it.  Anyway, try stepping machine and rope jumps to improve your vertical jumps.

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