
Tips for starting high school?!?

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Its my first year of high school next week, and if you have any tips, thoughts, or advice please share them!




  1. I started four weeks ago ha ha

    I talked to everybody I knew and compared schedules, so if we got lost we were lost together

    My friends explored the school too, they said it helped them find shortcuts to their classes

    everyone says high school is really cliquey, but its not that bad at my school. There's no popular clique that rules the school thankfully

    thats pretty much all i can think of telling you.. email me if you want :o

  2. be nice to everyone!

    don't get involved with drama because trust me, it's not worth it in the end. most of the guys aren't mature enough to handle a girl. of course there will always be that popular crowd, but you don't have to stay away from them...just be careful of peer pressure. im sure you hear it all the time but most of the kids in my school drink, smoke, and sometimes do drugs. just be careful on the choices you make. also don't trust everyone, only the ones that make a difference in your life.

    bottom line- enjoy high school, you only experience it once.

  3. Cliche, but be yourself. You'll have fun. You will find yourself. In high school, there are many groups of people. You have the "populars, jocks, cheerleaders, emo, goth, skaters, geeks, etc." It's very clique-ish.

    High school is basically what you make of it. If you are depressed and have social anxiety, then you're gonna hate it. If you are social and love to make new friends, you'll love it.

    Go to the football games, homecoming, join clubs, and get good grades.

    You will notice alot of the guys are what do you say "douche-bags."  I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but don't let a stupid guy pressure you into anything you don't wanna do.


    -Be nice to ALL of your teachers (they could help you alot)

    -Become friends with your counselor (they can change your classes if you don't like it)

    -Be yourself

    -Boys...BOys...Boys <3

    -People change

    -You might lose some of your good friends

    -You'll come cross alot of s***s and male whores

    -Keep it real

  4. Even though it may sound corny...Be yourself.

    Don't let anyone pressure you into changing yourself if you don't want to. Clothes, Make up and boy trouble doesn't's the people who you call your friends and that care about who matter.

    Seniors '09. :)

  5. I can help! I was a freshman last year and i REALLY had it rough because i just came from NYC to about luck :(.

    The thing is, work is most important! Be as smart (not rudely) as you can! Study, ANSWER QUESTIONS, and allways respect your teacher. The thing is when I first came to highschool, I had NOBODY, so I basically bonded with the teachers first. I know it sounds geeky, but your friends dont decide what you get in your classes, your teachers do. The last thing you want to do is s***w that up. It's almost like a first impression thing. Kids WILL make fun of you for being smart. Ignore them, most likely they are envious of your brain, and have no other way to show it then by making you feel like mud.

    When it comes to apparel, wear things that are ofcourse confortable but it dosnt hurt to be on top of the fashion a bit. Kids that dont know you in the school WILL judge you based on that. Once again that's first impression without knowing it. Allways keep your clothes clean, neat and away from any spills or messes, that shows that you're a neat girl. Accessorise! The more accessories the better, it brings your outfit to life.


    Allways keep your hair neat! Comb it every night, if you have a relaxer in your hair and you have new growth and can't get to the salon put your hair back in a toothless headband, it will allways look cute untill you can get a touch up.


    ( I know it sounds weird that I'm saying this but I have to so you would know)

    Shower every day and smell good, because kids are very mean when it comes to that. Smell like a*s or fish for one day, it glues to you untill the day you graduate, they are ruthless. Dont wear purfume right after gym, use powder and body spray.


    ALLWAYS keep an emergency kit in your gym locker and your regular one. It should have pads, extra jeans and shirt, under wear, lotion, deoratant (sp), etc. You never know when you'll have a uh oh moment. Allways keep your locker neat of books so you won't be late for class.

    Allways do your homework, study, and stay away from the bad kids!

    Bad kids.

    Don't smoke, it's like cancer on a stick

    Don't drink, you loose brain cells and get more stupid.

    Dont do drugs, you can just get in a whole lot of trouble

    NO s*x! It's just not worth it. You can get pregnant, or do it 3-4 times you can be called a s**t.

    To avoid these all together just stay away from kids who do it. They can pressure you. Keep away from them.

    Don't speak unless spoken to

    What I mean is, dont talk garbage! If a girl pisses you off, ignore her and dont talk about her within 100 yards of the school, it can get around, and it may start a fight. If you are attacked, (girls go for the hair first, allways). But keep away from all of that, it'll just start trouble. Be nice to everybody (w/o being a kis a*s) and at the same time let people know when enough is enough, be soft but not too soft.

    That's basically the basics of surviving highschool

    Good luck with everything!

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