
Tips for starting middle school ?

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i'd love tips for...

* friends

* organization

* dating

* boys <3

* popularity

* style

* classes (specially gym i have no clue what to expect)

* is the schedule hard to adjust to

* dances

* drama ( like the fighting kind)

* drama class ( like the theater kind)

* cross country( like track)

* how to make money =]

* and anything else you think I should know before i start middle school





    * it was hard for me to keep all of my friends because we all HAVE to go our different ways... we dont all have the same schedules and we see eachother AROUND, just not as much.

    to make new friends, be polite and open to new ideas.


    * you may want to buy a 3 ring binder... keep all your papers seperate

    like Math, Science....

    be as neat as you can because i know i had a hard time keeping it together...


    * i came to notice that in my school, kids dont have time to date!

    the only time i see dating is when they are in a really SERIOUS comitment. but, neh, they dont do all this fake lover stuff, you know??


    *mmmmm, dont get ME started, lol, jk...

    i try to focus on my school work. i dont pay attention to them because the cute guys turn out to be the ones who are annoying and ignorant.

    so chose school over boys, they&#039;re not worth it, unless they are super cute....!  :)


    * i cannot lie, people do, unfortunately chose popular people to be their friends and it is sooo unfair but it is life...

    if you want to be popular,

    1. be cool with everyone

    2. be respectful

    3. dont start arguments


    skinny jeans, lots of GRAPHIC TEES, boots with fur, jean jackets,

    no baggy stuff, wear tight fit clothes, keep a cute bag on your hip,like this:


    I have taken,

    1. Science

    2. Reading

    3. Social Studies

    4. Language Arts

    5. Math

    6. Art

    7. P.E ( gym )

    8. Music Class and Choir

    9. A Graphic Designing Class

    10. Culinary Arts ( Cooking )

    11. Spanish/ French

    12. Typing Class

    My favorite was cooking class...( thumbs up girlie )


    i understood mine after asking my homeroom teacher about it once.

    easy peezy wheezy to adjust to.


    lame as ever... except for what my school calls Monthly Extravaganza..

    those are awesome... dances are cool though.


    oh my gosh girl, you dont want to KNOW... a whole buncha drama in middle school because kids are finally growing up and changing in different ways so if someone picks a fight with you, walk away.


    uhmmmmm, my school ddnt have one...

    srry hun, cant help.


    mmm, i see ur athletic ;-)

    uhm, cross country is the same as you know it.

    middle school kids run races and stuff, pretty cool.


    i wouldn&#039;t try making any money if school.

    lots of kids i know did that and they got caught selling retarted things like pencils and pencils, notebooks and c**p and they have one SERIOUS consequence.


  2. Middle school is awesome! I started middle school (sixth grade)Monday. Don&#039;t listen to people who say it&#039;s like &quot;A harder fifth grade&quot;. It&#039;s soooo much cooler!

    * friends: Friends change in junior high. Some in a good way, some in a bad. I had one friend who I knew since 1st grade. She never told a soul about me, so I told her everything. The other day I heard stuff about me that I&#039;ve only told her! But someone like my friend Javona changed in a good way. She&#039;s MUCH nicer now!

    * organization: Get one of those big white binders and get POCKET dividers. Then get a folder for every class. The binder is for notes and the folders are for paper work. (homework and classwork)

    * dating: We haven&#039;t started &quot;dating&quot; yet, but boys do ask girls out. Then they&#039;re &quot;going together&quot; which really means they talk to eachother a lot and they can&#039;t like someone else.

    * boys &lt;3: Boys will be boys! They&#039;re the same in middle school as in elementary, BUT middle school&#039;s are usually bigger, so there&#039;s a lot of cute and nice ones. It&#039;s only my 3rd day there and I&#039;ve found so many guy friends. Trust your instincts! I&#039;m a boy addict! Ask ANY of my friends! Ever since pre-k boys were my world. So I&#039;ve gone out with a lot...some were jerks, but some were the nicest boys ever!


    * popularity: So you&#039;re kind of popular already. Try to make as many friends on the first day as possible! You don&#039;t seem shy, so talk your head off on the first day of school!!!

    * style: Middle school boys LOVE the preps. I talk and look like a prep and guys just pour in. Like I said I&#039;ve gone out a lot!

    * classes (specially gym i have no clue what to expect):

    F/C Science

    Really easy!  And pretty fun! You get to cook, sew, and other cool things!


    If you&#039;re a tom boy it&#039;s easy. If not... I&#039;m not and I absolutly hate it! Thank god my dad knows my gym teacher! He gives me good grades no matter what! Same as fifth grade though. Maybe just bigger gym.


    Same as always.


    Expect much harder stuff. Before all you did was memorize a song. Now you have to learn the notes and stuff.

    Band or Ocherastra

    It&#039;s cool. Just like an after school activitey.

    Cool Clubs!

    * is the schedule hard to adjust to: Not at all. I think it&#039;s pretty cool personelly.

  3. chill!!! middle school is a blast so enjoy it. don&#039;t worry about all that stuff. it&#039;s better to find out about all that stuff on your own. thats what makes middle school fun!!!  

  4. basically all the things your looking for will come if you just be yourself alright ok so just have fun, p**s off teachers haha, its really the best year of school your gonna have  

  5. Friends:

    Stick by them no matter what! It&#039;s okay to make new friends, but keep your old ones close.


    Make sure everything in your backpack has a place. Nothing is just hanging around. Get a small backpack, big ones are so lame. Can you imagine carry a big chunky backpack all around school? When you have a small backpack, don&#039;t stuff things, it makes it look huge. Clean out your backpack once a month.


    Don&#039;t know anything about this, sorry. I&#039;m single and proud. I&#039;m a pretty independent girl. =)


    Make lots of guy friends! Hugging is a VERY popular thing in middle school. Girls hug boys. Boys hug girls. Girls hug girls. Boys don&#039;t hug boys. Hug everyone.


    Popularity doesn&#039;t matter... Oh who am I kidding? I&#039;m not going to lie, popularity is the real deal! The easiest way to become popular is through sports. Usually when you do sports, you can make friends fast. After school, you usually have to do practice. Other sport players will be there doing soccer, cheer leading, basketball, etc. Even higher grade students will be there like the 8th grade soccer team for instants. You get to make friends with everyone. Instant popularity. Easy enough right? Keep all your friends close.

    Stay friends with everyone. Nobody likes a mean girl. You&#039;ll just lose your status. Be friends with everyone. Even nerds and geeks! If you don&#039;t want to be friends with them just be nice and friendly. Try small talk be on an okay level with them. Since your not shy, you will have a really good status.


    Casual, clean, simple, and cute clothes are perfect! You don&#039;t want to be too flashy, it makes you look like your trying to hard and tacky. Too dull and your just a snooze. Casual and simple clothes are normal and comfortable. Uncomfortable ones make you insecure. Make sure they are cute, it makes you look more interesting. Simple clothes like a tank top are just to simple. If you got a tank top with a cute print, some sequence, and throw in some cute assesories it makes it look more interesting and cute! Make sure they are clean. Dirty and stinky clothes make you a slob.


    The basic classes are:

    Reading Or Elective (If your really good at reading and understanding, you get an elective!)

    Language Arts

    Social Studies (History)




    Physical Education is simple. Everyday, you do go to the locker rooms and change into P.E. clothes! Don&#039;t be nervous about changing in front of other girls. Be confident and act like you know what your doing, even if you don&#039;t. You start class with stretches and warm-ups (push ups, sit ups, etc.). Then you run laps. Then, in comes the sport. You get to do different sport units. Let&#039;s say you first start with a basketball unit. Your teacher will teach you the rules of the game and how to play. You will do practices and drills to learn the sport. Then, you will end the sport unit with a real game of basketball and the next day, you get to start a new sport unit! It goes over and over. No big deal, make sure you particiapate. That&#039;s all you need to do for a good grade and good health. Make sure to drink lots of water.


    Easy to learn the schedule. It just takes 3-5 days to learn them.


    Dances are for fun. You get to be with friends and other people from school and just kick back and have fun. Don&#039;t do to or extreme and crazy dance moves, that&#039;s just weird. Most kids dirty dance mostly higher grades because they are use to it. New kids at middle school are just uncomfortable. You should avoid them until next year. Dirty dancing will get you in trouble even if they are fun.


    Pointless never ending drama. I use to like drama. It made school interesting. I got in the middle one, and it ended up being the worst day of my live. It took a month of pointless fueding and then another to realized it was a misunderstanding and all was well after it but the drama that happens at school doesn&#039;t all have a happy ending. Two best friends since 1st grade got in a huge fight and spilled each other&#039;s secrets and never talked again. That&#039;s what drama does. I say forgive and forget. Move on and enjoy life. Stay away from drama!

    Drama Class:

    Never took one, but lots of acting is invloved!

    Cross Contry:

    Lots of running involved? Sorry, we don&#039;t have track at our school. No help in this section... Sorry!


    Do chores!

    Another good one is the deal I make with my parents.

    Parents want you to do well in school and get As.

    Make a deal that if you ever get an A on a quiz or test, you get $1-5 dollars.

    Permanet grades that go in your permant record should be rewarded with $6-10 dollars.

    Like end of semester grades go in your records so if you get an A then you get rewarded.

    Good luck!

    Hope this helps!


  6. i dont think it is sooo important to be popular if you just be yourself you will be! sooo boys.... i wouldnt really expect a bf in 6th grade but who knows! dating it depend on your parents most of all! lol it sux! style ... i would wear abercrombie,aeropostale, or american eagle and even hollister for the 1st day! dances you really dont have boy girl dances in 6th grade just dances with your friends! but if a boy asks you to dance go for it girl! drama .. it depends if your teacher is cool.. so if shes not cool DO NOT JOIN! cross country can be fun and then not so fun soo thats your choice! and the way i make money is BABYSITTING! ok i hope this helps, and good luck in middle school!

  7. Well, talk to them as if they&#039;re important. And, try to have similar interests. It&#039;ll definatly help you.

    * Try and make friends. That&#039;s all that matters

    * Main reason why we have the binder and folders. It keeps you completely organized so you don&#039;t lose stuff.

    * Find someone who has similar interests with you

    * Not my department, girl

    * Popularity isn&#039;t being yourself. Just be yourself and everyone will accept you

    * You should just have your own style

    * Just try your hardest and study very hard. For gym, don&#039;t forget to stretch

    * For my school, sorta. You had 8 classes a day and you had to get to your classes in 5 minutes, with your books and everything

    * Dances are fun, but not if you&#039;re alone, I was during most of my dances, but my friends were also there, so we stayed together and had fun

    * Try and be friends with everyone. You do not want to be bullied. It turned my middle school days into h**l.

    * Act your best and follow lines.

    * It&#039;ll be very stressful and most of the people who beign it usually get put in gym.

    * You do not need to worry about making money. Highschoolers are the only ones allowed to have jobs.

  8. friends: choose your friends wisely

    organization: throw out papers you don&#039;t need

    dating: don&#039;t worry about that

    boys: don&#039;t worry too much about that either

    popularity: that honestly doesn&#039;t matter

    style: dress in cute clothes and in a style that best reflects you

    classes: don&#039;t procrastinate

    schedule: not exactly, it&#039;s pretty easy after a couple of days

    dances: are ok

    drama: don&#039;t get into any

    cross country: =D

    money: don&#039;t worry about that either

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