
Tips for starting middle school this year please I Need advice!!?

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Tips, facks, experiences, Soon Plz




  1. here are some tips/facts

    1.) just relax, everyone else is nervous too

    2.) if you don't know where to go ask a teacher/the princiapl/ asst. principal etc.

    3.) if at lunch you can't find a place to sit, sit with friends/ or just sit by yourself

    4.)there is not nearly as much homework as you or anyone else thinks.

    5.) believe it or not more teachers are better. you don't have to be with a teacher you hate ALL DAY, you only have to be with them for a period.

    6.)you'll be fine middle school is Way better then elementary.

  2. shop at hollister,victorias secret,and abercrombie

    dye your hair bleach blonde (just kidding)

    if you have ****** up teeth than go get braces

    be a s**t (just kidding)

    dont get involved into rumors

    get asked out

    get your first kiss

    do you homework

    get involve into activities

  3. there is NOTHING scary at all. you have so many other kids starting middle school too

  4. don't believe rumors

    don't spread rumors

    stay away from the bad kids

    stay with your friends

    ask for help if you don't get the new educational programs


  5. My schooling days are long past, but the day I walked into Jr. High (middle school) will never be erased.

    It was sooooooooo cool.  You are leaving the baby stage and entering your teenage years... how cool is that?  You are going to be given more responsibilities, more freedom.  

    Tips?  It's the same in any school... elementary, middle or high school.

    First thing to remember is you're there to learn.  Trust me, you'll never get to do it again.  This is your one time chance to enjoy school as much as possible.  Enjoy the opportunity that you are given to learn.  Some kids never go to school.

    My most important tip of all... BE YOURSELF.  Don't try to fit in, or look like someone just because you think she/he is nice looking or cool.

    Respect your teachers... not because "you have to", but because they know a lot more than you do and they have a lot to give you.

    Take advantage of everything the school has to give you.  Library, languages, art, whatever you are interested in.

  6. You get ALOT more freedom then you did in elementary school.

    There are more varities at lunch:):) lol and you don't have to sit infront of the same teacher for 6 1/2 hours a day. Except there is no recess:( so sad:( I miss recess!!!!

    The suckish part is that teachers don't care about what other teachers give for homework... so you get about an hour of homework every night, in 6th grade.

    Ummm... Gym is ALOT more fun!!!!! Where I go, you have gym everyday for 1 hour, for 10 weeks, every year. There are locker rooms and stuff... and be prepared for the mile.... UGH!!! The mile is horrible.

    The work gets ALOT more difficult... I was a straight A student in elementary school now I'm a straight C student.

    That's about it:)

  7. dont get caught up in drama thats what i did but my ex friend sarted all of it though just make your own friends and youll be fine

    you will have crushs

    school dances

    also do well too i srtoa did because two things i got caught up in my cursh and drama

    also dont listen too  or sraped rumors unless its something thats big or has to do with you

    most people will be drssed in hloister, amorabice mostly but also pacsun forever21 maybe hot topic

    also you have differnent classes

    diifernt lunch


    vartaviy of things you can try out for



    also e-mail me if you need more tips

    hope this helps


  8. Hear are some tips, 1 stay away from the poor, gothic, emeu (emeu is a way of dress kind of like githic but not really)and lesbean kids.  Gym is ok you have locker rooms and dressing out is not so bad, at my school you don't have to take showers, but i don't know about your school. The homework is not so bad. The major brands mos of the kids wear are aeripostale , and abercombie.  Reputation is a pretty big deal, don't make a bad reputation. You can choose wheir uyou sit durig lunch, try to find people you knowand sit with them. at my school, you get 4 minuets to get from class to class, and trust me, it is plenty of time. Lovkers are not bad at all. Hope this helps.

  9. im going into 8th this here are some tips:

    Don't believe any rumors u hear about anyone...ha;f of them i thought were true were totally false!

    whena  teacher gives you an assignment,DO IT and DON'T procrastinate (which was very hard for me cuz i procrastinate ALOT)

    DO try and make as many friends as you can...cause everything gets bigger

    follow YOUR style and not anyone else's

    and..RELAX..its not a big deal as it seems...i thoguht ti was alot better, and it turned into a living nightmare,....for me..for you..i have no say in this.good luck and hope everything goes awesumly!

  10. It's a totally different experience from elementary school!! Don't start rumors, don't believe them.

    Be nice to your teachers. They might change grades and you might get them again!

    Don't have 10 million girlfriends in one year! It gets around and it's not pretty!

    Make great friends and be in clubs! Not nerdy ones but cool ones where you go on trips and stuff!

    Know your locker combo!!!!! Don't give it to anyone!

    Good Luck!

  11. I teach 6th grade, so here's the biggest things my students seem to be most worried about at the beginning of school:

    Don't worry about being new to the school.  All of your classmates are new too, so you've already got that in common with everybody.

    Stay organized- The big new responsibility is knowing which class you have to go to next and what materials you'll need for it.  Copy your schedule at least once.  LOTS of  people lose their schedule the first couple days of school and have no idea where they're going.

  12. im going in to 7th grade this year and some things u should know are

    > alot of new teachers.

    . buLLiesss [ignore them]

    _ crushes!

    * new terms of learning math [ u wiLL get used to it]


    .alot of new kids to meet. sum will be nice some will be mean to tell u the truth.

  13. Ok well I went to Johnstown Middle School last year and i loved it its not scarry like everyone says. Its really fun I mean you have to do work and everything but if you lissten its easy. When school was over my 8th grade year I cryed so hard I had so many friend their and I was Treasurer of Student Council and everything my Teacher used to get me out of class and we both cryed the last day of school all I have to say it dont bud in to other peoples business be friends with everyone and you will do just fine...

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