
Tips for staying awake during a long drive?

by Guest57966  |  earlier

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Next week I have to make a 14 hour drive, preferably straight through. I was wondering if any of you have any tips to keep myself alert during the drive. I know caffeine, coffee, etc. But, there comes a certain point when coffee isn't enough. Do any of you have any energy drink recommendations that give a bigger kick than coffee, but don't make you crash hard? Any other tips will be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks in advance!




  1. Take ProPlus tablets, they keep you awake.


  2. Sunflower seeds!  Seriously, that's what we use on long trips.  They keep you busy! Works for us every time.  My husband also drinks Amp. He really likes that and says it helps him to stay awake.  Hope that helps!

  3. Eat a salad b4 u leave, and don't eat alot on the road.  For energy drinks, I like red bull, and if thats not strong enough, Monster will keep u going, but drink plenty of water with them since they will dehydrate you.

  4. I heard a tip that I tried once and it worked.  It was when you start to feel sleepy bite your tongue - for some reason the simple act kicks up something and wakes you right up - it can be repeated over time.  

    One other thing that worked for me was Pepsi Max - it is cooler than coffee and it is pretty good in getting you going, if you bring a bottle and drink it along the way should be all right. Just remember to have a great nights sleep the day before you go and have everything packed the night before,, this way when it's time to go you won't waste any energy loading the car.

    If you do get sleepy pull into a rest stop and do some excercises it will jolt your energy level.

    Have a great trip.

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