
Tips for staying organized?

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I am currently cleaning my room. I couldn't see the floor- it was covered in clothes and there's a layer of dust literally an inch thick. There are so many old knick knacks everywhere and my dog peed in spots.

I used to not be like this! I really want to change. I have washed, folded and even pressed all of my clothes, I have cleaned out my closet. All that is left- is to clear out my dest and some little things here and there.

How do I stay organized through out the busy school year?




  1. Start with being neat

  2. I used to be messy like you until I started cleaning up every mess I made immediately. never let one mess go without cleaning it right then. do this habitually and you will never face that problem again. also come up with a system for where to put stuff. for example -mail. find a place to store your mail and paperwork. have a file cabinet with one folder called "this weeks stuff". that way if you know that you cant deal with something right then you can shove it in that folder and deal with it when you get back.

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