
Tips for throwing a party while the parents are out.?

by Guest66959  |  earlier

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Ok, I’m not exactly throwing a party, but just a small get together. My parents are going to be out of town, but I don’t want the neighbors to get wise to my little plan. So, what are some tips for keeping my party a secret? I’m just trying to make sure I don’t forget anything obvious.





  2. to protect your parents, make sure everyone who is drinking either stays over or has a DD, they can get in a lot of trouble even if they are not there. but if you dont want things to get out of control i yourself would keep the drinking pretty minimum that way you dont lose you head and let things start to get crazy.  have people come together so there are less cars, keep music down and stay inside

    have fun!

  3. Firstly, I wouldn't do it.  You need to ask your folks first.  Explain to them that its just going to be a few friends having pizza (or whatever) and you promise to clean up afterwards and keep control.  If you are underage- don't drink and promise your folks you won't too.  One thing I have learned- if I tell my folks I am going to do something- I do it.  I have their trust, which is a valuable thing, because it means that when the moo-moo hits the fan, they know they can believe what I tell them.  They also let me have parties all the time- because I tell them in advance and I never let it go mad.  If its not a secret, there's no way you'll get caught.  If they say no- abide by it.  It's their house.  And if they say no and you still do it, they'll never trust you again.

  4. Dont get caught

  5. These kinds of parties are always supposed to 'start small'. Then the next thing you know, there is a mile of cars parked on your street, someone puking in the flower bed and a half dressed drunk girl crying about something she can't remember in your living room.

    Your neighbors will know, trust me - and blab to your parents when they get back. Unless of course your family stays up all night all the time and plays loud music till sunup.

    As someone suggested have the party somewhere else or during the day - even parties in the daytime can get rowdy.

    These sans parents parties always sound good, but can go horribly wrong. Things get broken, stolen or the police come and you're going to wish your neighbors had told your parents instead of Officer Freindly.

    Good luck and drink Koolaid

  6. It's not going to be a secret and it will be bigger than what you think.  You won't have fun, it's better not to do it, trust me.

  7. try to take pictures of everything, so when everything is moved you can know where everyone is..


    Unless you're Like the Monk and you can remember where everything is.. >:P

  8. Don't throw the party at your house...use someone elses. If you do decide have everyone arrive at designated times, have car sparked in different parts of the street, or no where near the house. Also, if a party needs to end in a hurry..have at least 3 decoys. Some stink gas, or alarms to clear out party. Also, throw the party during the day. It may not be as great but it makes it possible. FInd a way to get your neighbors out house. And don't tell anyone about it until two days before.

  9. It's not a good idea, even if you are having a root beer kegger (snicker, see youtube below).

    Check out what happened to the Australian kid who had the same idea (see youtube below). The "little party" ended costing over $20,000!

  10. Don't do it unless you have your parent's permission.  Unless you are the only one invited, it is not going to be a secret long.  When they find out, they might not trust you anymore.

    Someone is sure to break something. Guaranteed someone (or lots of someones) will crash the party.

    Parents usually ask someone to check the house from time to time.

    Oh yeah, they'll know.

    Better yet, ask permission to have two or three specific friends over while they are out.  You got a better chance of getting permission. That way, they won't be too mad when something gets broken.

  11. Don't listen to loud music...

    And don't invite anyway who will mindlessly blurt out how great you "get Together" was in front of your parents

    Make sure there's no drugs or alcohol, becasue those make people loud and annoying.

  12. Best advice is NOT to have the party. Your friends will not keep it a small get together. It will become huge and you will not be able to control it. No way that it will be a secret. Trust this advice.

  13. Hello, if you don't get busted by a neighbor, calling the police and they will, you risk your parents getting into trouble. One slip up by a friend who can't hold thier liquor, and you all go down, legally. Its not worth it. Your parents should know better than to leave a kid like you home alone for a length of time un attended. Sorry, but I have seen and been to one too many parties where one kid can s***w it for all of them. Your parents insurance also won't cover it if something breaks, as its thier responsiility to over see a minor. Kiddo, take a cold shower and forget this one. BAD IDEA.

  14. plz DONT bother. the chances of your parents finding out are HUGE! parents arent gulliable anymore. so dont even think bout it,

  15. The very best suggestion you can get is "DON'T DO IT".  Your parents will find out, believe me! Then they will not trust you again.  Don't ruin it for yourself.    Been there, done that, paid dearly!  I was POSITIVE they wouldn't find out, but they did!

  16. this is never a good idea, you always have some jerk that breaks something or invites a whole bunch of people or likes to hang outside and smoke, your parents will find out, and the neighbors are the one's who will tell them.

  17. and the peoplr walk or get droped off keep it down and away from the habeior windo and i cant spell at the moment Oops

  18. Make sure to throw the trash away in a dumpster behind a business. I had a party where everything was perfect, but the found the beer cans in a bag I threw in the can...

    OH! make sure you don;t have a ton of cars parked out in front.

  19. i know this is obvious but try to keep it inside. and if u dont want a lot of cars around ur house, carpool or get them to come at different times like once i did the same thing and everyone cam like in 15 minute intervals. dont play loud music, scream, dont hangout in the garage because sometomes i hang out in the garage (lol) : )

  20. close all of the blinds; go in the basement if you have one; and put on a movie so they you just friends over to chill with nothing illegal going on; Oh; and if you're planning on hotboxing the bathroom make sure to turn the fan on RIGHT afterwards.

    goood luuck =]

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