
Tips for trip to Nicaragua?

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Our family is traveling to Nicaragua this summer for 8-10 weeks. My husband and I have kids aged 7,5,3, and 10-11 months. My main questions are:

-Do I bring formula for my baby or can the same brands be bought there?

-Same question as above for baby food

-Should I bring a stroller or baby backpack?

-We've researched some of the great sites to see...what about places especially great to bring kids?

-What is the water situation for American tourists?

-Any other tips or suggestions?

Thanks in advance! I will appreciate any advice you might have!




  1. Four Little Ones, your hands are gonna be full.

    1) I'm not certain if the brands are the same but they are adequate. Baby food I would stock up with.

    2) A backpack is the way to go, sidewalks as of the streets are in disrepair, even worse. Holes, cracks to missing utility covers are the norm. I helped a young man in his '20's out of a hole I had just passed, right in front of where he worked, cracked ribs and all, he should have known better.

    3) Always go with bottled water, if your in one of the better Hotels the water should be fine. Don't chance loosing 30 lbs. in 6 painful days like I did.

    4) You cannot be over cautious as far as your valuables or safety. To my knowledge child abduction has never been an issue in Nicaragua, children are cherished but the economical situation for most residences there has worsen as of late.

    5) Mosquito netting and *DEET* especially in the evening and when they sleep is a must, even in the better Hotels. It just takes one.

    As far as places for the kids the only one that comes to mind is a lake near Masaya great for swimming and difficult to find, it's not Appoyo, I can't recall the name but the locals can help you. Find yourself a bi-lingual Nani and keep her with you for most of your trip, it will benifit all and ease your mind so you can enjoy your stay. Safe travels.

  2. Having lived in Nicaragua, I would suggest that for the most current and accurate answers that you join the group NicaLiving (see link below). It is a diverse group of people many of whom are from the US and Canada as well as Nicaragua and currently live throughout the country.Collectively they can answer any question you might have about Nicaragua.

    Suerte y Buen viaje!



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