
Tips for upcoming freshman in high school!?

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i'm so nervous school is in a week & i really need some tips. after all, i have heard so many rumors about the freshman getting picked on & bad stuff like that.

welpp;; any help & tips are appreciated!!




  1. First of all, don't wear your school ID. Second don't carry all of your things on the first day because it will look too bulky. Third don't look at the map if you have one, figure out where your classes are before hand. Last there is a look that freshmen always have on they're face it's a mix between scared and constipated.  Good Luck!! Don't be afraid.

  2. Don't worry too much about it. I heard all those rumors too, but no one really cares. Once you get to be an upper classmen then you just get to say "man I hate freshmen" because you have the right to. :) You guys are just still in that awkward period where you do weird things and are a little annoying sometimes. But I'm sure you'll be fine! I was nervous too. Just be yourself. Seriously, if you get picked on it'll only make you stronger. High school may seem like a big deal but just hold on to this one truth: The people who bloom in high school generally don't do well in the real world. It's amazing. All the people who are popular and get whatever they want completely suck once they get to college. :) Karma I guess. If you have just one good friend in high school you've got it made. That's all you need. You may be tempted to try to get in with the cool people but...I went there and that's somewhere you don't want to be. Good luck!

  3. Ahh...the rookies! Being a freshman is nothing to be scared about. yes the surroundings will be different and some people will be rude, but just be yourself and go about your business and they'll do the same. It's just a right of passage. Granted I'm not saying that it's right to pick on a freshman but I've never heard of anything real bad.  

  4. allright well...domt be immature. it come along with the age probally are just asking to get picked on just by the way you act..which isnt your fault..unless your like me. see i didnt get picked on as a freshman cause im really mature for my age. its not so easy..i cant just tell you "dont be yourself." cause honestly..the way you walk talk and act just screams freshman. not everyone is like this..but the majority of freshman are, sorry. so to avoid this..well you really cant..just suck it up and deal with it. what else can i say? even i couldnt stand freshman when i was one..their just annoying and immature most of the time..sorry.

  5. i felt just like you when i was going into highschool.

    everyone does, you are not alone.

    just be confident, be friendly and make new friends. highschool is awesome, you're going to love it.

    not to scare you or anything, but freshman are not...admired, by other classes. this doesn't mean YOU specifically will be picked on, but your whole class as a group. you know what i mean?

    but don't worry, no body will pick on you. goodluck, you will have a great time!  

  6. i was nervous tooo because the middle school that i went to...everyone hated it because it was new and they thought we were rich...dont be don't get picked on...the first day is difficult but fun because you get to meet new people...actually i met one of my best friends in biology the first day of school in 9th grade

    just be friendly to people that look nice and lay low until you are on your feet...good luck

  7. Don't try too hard! People hate freshies that act fly.

  8. ha ive been done with school for 5 years now trust me when i say you have nothing to worry about. if you thought 7th and 8th grade were ok the high school will be to! the only thing i had to worry about as a freshman were the senior guys! they all had a bet going to see who could sleep with more freshman so just be careful of those kind of things!! other then that im sure you dont have to worry about getting stuffed in lockers or swirlies ok? just dont sleep around thats that worst thing you can get picked on for...just go in being confindent you'll do great...let me know how it goes ok?! high schools fun i dont want to go back but i had a good time!!!!

  9. Stay out of trouble

    make new friends[ Right ones]

    don't play the juniors/seniors Game [ you might end up being pregnat]

    make sure you keep up your grades , because that looks good when you are applying to college.

    have fun .. and enjoy!!

    and good luckk !!  

    hopefully you will have a successful school year

  10. it's nothing like they say.. i mean at pep rally's they always say go home freshman!  but it's nothing like they make it out to be.  just act mature and don't act like a freshman, just play it cool.

  11.   It honestly depends on the size of your town/school but most of the stuff you hear about are just rumors. You may get picked on jokingly but very rarely will you seriously be treated lower than anyone else.

      And if you're in any extra-curricular activities they may have some freshman/rookie related traditions but all in good fun!

  12. i heard all that stuff too... and none of it ever happened.

    do a sport and make lotsa friends thoughhh

  13. OMG me too, I am starting HS this year... I keep having like nightmares (Yeah i know, really stupid but I am sooo scared)

  14. nahh that usuakly dont happen just dont get in the way of the older ones cause im a freshman and school started today but i know how it works so good luck dnt be nervious its awsome!

  15. Just be yourself ppl are jerks nothin you can do about it! just dont miss out on anything if you like somthing go for it let nothing hold you back because by the time you know it your a senior and will have regrets for things you never got to do!  so express youself and don't be shy everyone gets nervous but dont let it stop you!

  16. I was a Freshman last year now im a sophomore (obviously). But anyway dont be nervous! There really is absolutly nothing to be nervous about. In my town my high school has "freshman friday" which on the first Friday of the new school year all the upper classmen do horrible things to the freshmen. NOTHING at all happened to the freshmen its just a stupid rumor to get the freshmen trembling. No big deal at all, high school is really fun and your probably going to make so many more friends this year. There are so many people with different styles and personalities your probably going to change a lot this year. Get involved and do well in your classes and dont goof off to much. High school grades count! :p Have fun hope I helped.

  17. i'll be a senior this year, so i've been through that, first off: join a club, sports team, something that involves older people, make friends with them, they'll def. come in handy if it comes to bullying (which really doesn't happen as much as people make it out to be), if your lost, or even good seats at an awesome game!

    also, don't freak out! high school is sooo scary, and at times can be overwhelming, just calm down, it's not that bad, and everything will work out!

    hope those helped! :)


    2) i know it sounds awful but if you see someone getting jammed in a locker DON'T stand up for them.

    3) DON'T crowd the hallways

    4) be nice to everyone and be courteous but above all be chill, don't get angry and don't prank, or get revenge.

  19. I think that number one is to join clubs and organizations!

    Those are the people you will be friends with for pretty much the rest of high school if you stick with it. The first people I met joining colorguard (Which I later hated and all my friends quit) are still friends today (well... 4 years later) but I loveddd all the things I did in high school and would have never known half the things I did without trying something!

    I found a passion for photography and digital art, even the last semester of high school joined art and decided thats what I wanted my college major to be. Once you have put yourself in a group of friends, they wont judge you and you'll be happy!

  20. Just be cool...Honestly.

    I never got picked on as a freshman, just be mature and don't ACT like a freshman. You'll get picked on then...

    Try making it in tight with some seniors too just in case you do start to get picked on though...Maybe they can tell the others to leave you alone...Just like the movies...Oo yahh.

  21. Well I am a senior. Some people might be a little rude, but just try to stay out of the upperclassmens way and just try to make friends with people your grade. Don't worry too much, we can tell which freshman are the most freaked out, and they are most likely to be picked on by the jocks and preps. You will meet some nice upperclassemen (ie: me) hah. I'm sure you'll do fine! And just a tip, the only annoyance the freshman give me is sitting in my spot and stopping in the middle of the hall, so avoid those things haha. Good luck!

  22. Lol... you really dont get picked on. As long as you make quick friends the first day you will have someone to sit with at lunch otherwise you'll be sitting alone. If its a big school its really intemidating, you can get lost easily and so many ppl in the hall way can be agraveting.  

  23. Well in high school, things are a lot bigger. Like the students, teachers, and buildings. You also get more homework than junior high but don't let that get you down. Millions of students like you are entering high school for the first time. And it can be scary. But just relax. Just be yourself and you can make some life-long friendships. You can make some friends by joining in some after school clubs and sports. And also just by talking to the person beside of you. You can compliment on something they have to strike up a conversation. Also, in high school, you know you have more homework than junior high. So be prepared to do that. Be organized and don't procrastinate. Doing that will make you feel behind in your classes and you can't catch up. Just pay attention to your teacher's lectures, take good notes, and do your homework first before crashing onto the computer. Have a schedule with you or a to-do list. Prioritized your things and tackle big assignments one at a time. And have some fun too. High school is one of the best years of your life. Make it like that and you will enjoy high school.

    When I was a sophomore, I was scared too. I was the shortest person in my high school. But I got used it and now, I'm used to being around taller people.

    good luck!

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