
Tips for volleyball try outs please!?

by  |  earlier

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my try outs r in 15 days and i rly want to make the team and i know a lot of things and i am a pretty good player! i just need some drills and tips i can do and how to eat before try outs




  1. well, at the tryouts its important to volunteer for every example, and hustle no matter what. thats an important part of being on a team. also, be coachable, which means listen to theiir tips, and their instructions insteaad of talking to ur friends while they are talking. also, during my tryouts, we had to bump the ball to ourselves, as many times as we could, and we would get points for it that got added to our score card. we did the same thing with setting. its easy to practice cause u only need urself and a volleyball. good luck!! hope this helps!!

  2. My tryouts are starting today actually so heres what I've been doing to prepare...

    1. my girlfriends and i have been to the track all summer and doing a mile and recording our time to try and improve

    2. after our mile at the track we stay there and do 100 yard sprints..because in VB you need a sudden burst of energy

    3. we've been doing crunches every night because they help your swing

    4. also we have been doing squat-thrust because our coaches love them

    *i don't know what you should eat because everyone different but I've recently dropped eating desserts

    hopefully this has helped..good luck :]

  3. umm spike the ball against the wall and then try to bump or set it back, do lunges, and squats, run a mile-try to get it 8 minutes or under!!! umm serve extra hard cause when your nervous your weaker!!!  grab a friend and have them trow it up to the net and spike it cause that impresses the coaches, make sure your a good sport and are like come on ladies, or nice try when scrimmaging!!!

    kiss kiss!!

    good luck!!

  4. just remember to stay calm. i was just as nervous as you were when i was a freshman. if you have to do partner work, team up with one of the varsity players so they can help you out on your skills and they will make you look good. if your coach sees that you talk a lot on the court ad interact with all your team have nothing to worry about. hope tryouts go well (:

  5. Consistency is better than some skills. Smashing a ball is not nearly as good as hitting a consistent line shot. Pass against a wall and set against a wall where you can see and aim for a spot. Have someone throw you a ball and chase it down and pass it back.

    Also being supportive and a team player is just as important as skill. Make sure you support and cheer for your team.

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