
Tips for volleyball tryouts?

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Okay, I'm going into 9th grade and my high school's volleyball tryouts are on monday. I've never played volleyball on a team (like for a school or the community), just in PE class, and I'm not sure what to expect. I know the basics of volleyball pretty much because of my PE class, and my friends say I can run pretty well which I'm guessing is good, but is there anything else I can do to prepare? I'm really nervous for tryouts and I just don't want to make a fool of myself out there.




  1. i'm going to have volleyball tryouts soon too...i am pretty nervous and the coach told me that i would be the only 9th grader on the team and the others would be sophmores and juniors and pretty nervous myself b/c they have more experience!!! i'll just watch and learn and try my best...that's the same advice i'll do to you...!

  2. I honestly don't think that if you haven't played on a team, and only played in pe class, that you should be trying out for high school volleyball.  it is very competitive, and you have to work hard, know the rotations, and be good.  Running isn't the best thing in volleyball; jumping is.  To play high school, you have to be ready to jump REALLY high, because you have to block and hit.  every time.  Just calm down and remember, if you want to be a setter:

         -always have your left foot forward when setting

         -keep your hands stiff and "pop" them tight

    to be a hitter:

         -remember, left, right, left, quick steps.

         -snap your wrist down when you hit

    just calm down, and remember that your better than everyone else trying to get the same spot you are.  You'll do fine!  If your good enough.

  3. The coaches are looking for someone who is focused, loud, aggressive, quick, and confident.


    -Be really really loud when calling the ball, this will get you noticed by the coaches.

    -Talk! Say things like out, in, short, long, backrow, help, mine, go go go, ready, set...etc.

    -Hustle for every ball, even if it is obvious that you cannot get it. Don't stand around and be lazy. Run when you are going to shag balls.

    -Serving is key. Be consisten when serving, make them all over the net.

    -If you are in the front row, and you are ready to hit, yell what position you are in. (middle, outside, back)

    -Dive for balls, even if you look stupid.

    -After you hit, snap your wrist so the ball spins down.

    -After you block, get off the net and be ready to pass the ball if it comes back at you.

    Some other things to get you noticed and help you succeed.....

    -Be on time, early if possible.

    -Wear kneepads.

    -Wear a bright shirt with your name on it if possible.

    -If the coach tells you to fix something, be sure to work on it.

    -Be confident and never ever ever complain. Don't roll your eyes when your coach is talking.

    Practice a lot at home! Buy a volleyball and pass and set to yourself a million times. It will help.

  4. just follow directions and you should be good

  5. Confidence is key! Go into the gym knowing you will do well.

    Be ready to be pushed, the coaches have a task of weeding out unvaluable players to prove yourself show the coaches that you are a hard worker by running after every ball, calling every ball, and talking enouraging teammates on.

    The four areas that your coaches will test you on is setting, serving, hitting, and passing.

    Setting can be a difficult job, use your legs to push the ball it is not all arms. Just try your best at this stage not many can set well so do not come down hard on yourself.

    Serving, if you are new to the game just try to make it in the court. Do not try for any of the fancy things, coaches want a player who has a constant serve.

    While hitting remember your foot work for a righty: left,right,left  and for a lefty: right,left, right. Keep your elbow high and follow through the ball.

    Passing is a simplier task, keeping your hips and shoulders in front of the ball is a key to a successful pass. Do not swing your arms or reach out of your "squared stance" to get the ball shuffle your feet to receive the ball.

    Now most importantly!!!!!! Do not stress yourself out, do your best, test yourself. There is always going to be a bad pass, hit, set, or serve do not dwell on the thought that you might have just messed up, learn from your mistake and move on. Coaches look for a positive player who knows what she is doing who can take success with failure, happiness with anger, and perfection with imperfection.

  6. I help out my volleyabll team at my school jv and Varsity...know how to hit the ball right..dont hit it retarted..there are only certain ways you can..and try your hardest..little things..if there is a chance u can get the ball try your hardest...and talk when you are playing..say MINE..coaches love that

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