
Tips for watching horror movies?

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hi im 13 and tomorow im watching a horror movie-phoonk- for teh first time and im seeing it in the theeater. My 19 year old cousin(guy) is seeing it with me and no one else is coming. I get really scared my mental conditions like in black i was scared because amitabh had alzeimers. any tips to handle the movie?




  1. Remember to stay calm.And most likely the movie is all fake.

    Unless its based on a True Story.If You do get scared hold on to the seat handle.Or plug your eard.and imagine something that you like.

    hope i helped


  2. I agree with the first poster on the remember it's all fake. I'm a wimp myself and that's what I do when I'm watching something really scary. I know it's not easy but that's your best shot.

    (You can also resort to the old look-at-the-floor method when something scary is coming up, the problem is that you miss a lot of the movie so I don't really recommend it)

  3. Another strategy is to root for the bad guy. What he does doesn't seem so bad when you're doing that. Or you could watch some horror movies online to get you ready. A great site that I recommended is They have a tone of movies that you can stream for free. Check it out and let me know what you think!

  4. 1. Remember that it is all fake!!

    2. Just keep reminding yourself that it is all behind the screen.

    3. it will mostlikelyy not happen to you.

    4.If you get scare close your eyes and plug your ears and if that doesn't work then leave the theater for a couple of minuets and keep thinking about #'s 1,2,and 3

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