
Tips for yearbook photo, anyone?

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picture day is coming up and this is the one that counts: senior year. this is my yearbook picture and i'm really excited... but i'm really self-conscious and don't like to smile. i always think i look awkward or sad in pictures. any way to combat that? how about a nice, natural-looking close-lipped smile (i hate my teeth). please help, the pictures are being taken in less than two weeks and i want to make sure i'm ready!

thanks in advance :)




  1. As a photographer who has been doing senior portraits for over 30 years I feel qualified to respond. First and foremost, tell your photographer that you are not crazy about smiling with teeth showing. You will be taking a variety of images and it is good to vary your expressions because if they are all the same you'll have no choice. Perhaps you would be willing to try one with a full smile, knowing that if you didn't like it, you wouldn't have to use it. Be careful not to press your lips together hard but relax as if you were humming.Smile with your eyes! Do not wear a lot of lip gloss or you will get huge white spots on your lips from the lighting, in fact, don't wear any sparkling or reflective make up. Wear your hair in what ever style suits you, curly or straight, but this is not a good time to experiment with styles. One thing to be sure of is that your bangs are not falling into your eyes.

    You should still have time for a resitting should these not be to your liking, so relax and enjoy the session!

  2. I don't really like to smile with teeth in pics either, not that I have bad teeth or anything like that... key thing is to practice your smile, especially right before taking the photo. Go to the restroom, look in the mirror, and practice your smile!

  3. I wanted to give you a few tips for your shoot.  I have been modeling for many years.  

    I assume this photo shoot is at the studio with the lighting, correct?  

    First of all, be comfortable with what you look like as far as hair and make up goes. But remember, you are going to be under bright lights so it would be ok to make your make up maybe one shade darker so you don't end up looking whiter than you really are.  

    As far as your smile goes I would sit and practice in front of the mirror.  And really pay attention to your face / lips / cheeks when you smile. How much do you bring up the corner of your lips? And everytime you go into the bathroom, etc... practice that smile, and get comfortable with it.  Maybe even try a few "timer" shots on your digital camera and see how they look.

    Thanks for reading!

  4. First off, straight hair looks better on camera compared to curly. Waves are good too. Make sure your face isn't oily or sunburned, Don't go overboard on makeup. Practice your smiles in the mirror the night before picture day. Good luck. (:

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