
Tips from Brother to Brother?

by Guest32927  |  earlier

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Okay Lately. Me and my brother have not been getting along. First I was in a hurry for a hearing test so I needed to find my sandels. I couldnt find them right away so I had to take my brothers extra pair. Obviously, he called me right away and started yelling at me saying "You need to grow up. Those were $60 sandels and your ruining them!" I barely even wore then considering the fact that I walked bare-foot for most of the time. Then later I took his silver marker from his room because I just felt like it but just started writing down some things. Then just now he calls me and says "Well Im ripping up your room right now and its a complete mess! I want my $7 marker back!" I completely remember that I accidently left the cap off because I dropped the cap under the bed, so now its completely dry. I tried saying sorry to him but now hes like "I want $7 back. And while your away, please grow up!" I was trying to say sorry to him but he wouldnt listen. I honestly never though he cared that much! What can I do to make this all better. He leaves for college this weekend.




  1. this happens with brothers don't worry about it sounds stupid thing anyways he will probably miss you more when he leaves tell him you still like him and leave it at that good luck

  2. he can be in a problem( personal).....this is y he feels frustated...

    try to find a reason by his reaction and listen to his conversation while he talks to his friends....

    and for now... give him the d**n $7 backk to him... lol..  

  3. He is probably just really, really stressed out.  Could you imagine being gone for four years away from your home?

  4. He's probably stressed and giddy about leaving for school and every little thing you do, he blows up. If he's not like that usual then don't take it too personal and tell him " listen ,my bad for blah blah blah..." he kinda sounds like he's gunna miss you lol and doesn't really want to express his feeling (don't force him). Just apologize and don't get too upset

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