When I moved into my home, it was a new home with just dirt in the backyard. We hired a company who did lawns. The grass we had was called blackjack grass and it was initially sprayed onto our yard. (a solution mixed with seeds.) It was odd growing grass, it grew like a vine through the dirt. But it did give us green lush grass. Only problem was it only was green during the summer then would die in the winter. Last winter we decided to plant rye grass so we could have a winter lawn. Our lawn looked great last winter but it seems that the rye grass killed off all of our original lawn. When summer came the original grass never grew back in and you can see that it had all died. So, we then decided to plant bermuda grass for the summer, some grew in but our lawn is nowhere green and lush like it once was. Lot's of bare spots, dead and crispy patches of lawn throughout the yard. I'm hoping in October that we can plant rye again and have a green lawn for the winter months. Anyways, any tips on how to keep a nice lawn in such hot weather. I'm hoping I don't have to tear up my whole yard and start fresh. How can I continually have a green lawn all year round? Thanks for your help.