
Tips in playing lottery ?

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Tips in playing lottery ?




  1. If in the UK, play by direct debit and register your mobile number with them. You never have to worry about missing a draw and you get an SMS if you have won.

  2. If you find one, let me know!! The only tip I can give you is--You can't win, if you don't buy your Powerball or other lotto tickets weekly.

  3. pick the right numbers

  4. It's a game of chance so you can't really do anything to favour your chances of winning.  Statistically speaking you're more likely to be hit by lightning then win a lottery so

  5. don't

    take the money you would spend on it and put it in a savings account

    you will be better off in the long run, seriously

    if you still need to satisfy your gambling urges while your savings account grows, try doing something that involves skill instead of luck

    for example: bet some ball games, play poker

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