
Tips-mile, 200, standing long jump? Meet tomorrow!?

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I'm doing a meet tomorrow, as well as a run for school to determine the fastest kids in the school.

The school leader is my best friend, with a time of 6:25. I'm three seconds behind her (6:28), and the other girl is 3 seconds behind me.

This is my first time doing the mile against FAST people. Normally, I don't "stay with the pack" because the "pack" goes too slow. What do I do when the people I'm runnning against are fast?

I got 1:58 in the 1/3 mile run for PE today, my fastest time yet. What do you think I could get on the mile?

Also, how do you run the mile? How fast should you go on each lap?

Anyone who has had experience in my other two events (200, standing long jump), please share-I've never done these before!

Also, any tips about how to prepare in general are welcome!




  1. Depending on how old you are a good time for the mile is 5:21! Also I do standing long jump and the only tips I have are to try to find a far away spot that you want to try to jump to and shot for that. Two, bend low and swing your arms to gain momentum. I'm 13 and about 5' and I can jump usually jump about 7' and up. So just do your best and think like your a frog!

  2. try to run like 3 136s for the first 3 laps then go all out on the last one u should break ur best.

  3. Didn't I just answer this?! You won't get more answers by making multiple questions with slight differences.

    But yeah, just run and pace yourself and stretch before...

  4. If you are fast you could do each lap in a mile in about 1 min. - 1 1/2 min.(THATS WHAT A FAST GIRL WOULD DO)

    When you are racing other people that are fast (DO NOT TRY TO CATCH UP TO THEM UNTIL THE FOURTH LAP)

    A good time for the 200m run 35 seconds or less (FOR A GIRL)

    A good standing long jump for a girl is 5+ feet

    I'm a 13 year old boy 4'11" tall and get over 7 feet.

    So if your are a high school girl you should atleast tie with me.

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