
Tips n tricks to improve my groin flexibility so I can kick higher?

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Hey, so, I do capoeira and I constantly see that I don't kick high enough. But it isn't for lack of trying. I warm up and stretch my legs in order to kick higher but it just never seems to work for me. I'm not sure but I think this stems from a groin injury I got from running track back in high school (I tore it in a race, and consequently finished in last, then my coach made me keep practicing cuz he thought I was lying).

Right now I'm mainly warming up with kicks and slow runs, and for stretching purposes I'm doing a lot of track stretches, since that is what I know. I tried to start doing splits recently, assuming it would help, but at my lowest point there is still 1.5-2 feet of space between me and the floor, which is pretty horrendous. So if yal' got any suggestions lemme know!




  1. Practise kicking strait outward while, instead of your foot being angled the natural way that your foot tries to angle itself, thrust it the other way. It might not be comfortable the first 2 or 3 .... hundred... times you do it, but keep doing it anyway.

  2. I had a groin injury in my left leg in high affects me to this day because I cannot kick high with that leg at all...a head kick will never be possible with that leg.  My right leg is great though!  I could barely kick to the midsection when I started I can throw a head kick with little effort and good technique.  It just naturally happens with proper stretching but most importantly, continuous kicking drills and practice.  People will tell you the same thing over and over...stretch, stretch,'s necessary, of course, but many athletes get desperate and start stretching beyond their limits thinking, "the pain means it's working"  That actually means you're taking it too far...these people end up tearing their muscle instead of just stretching and that actually takes away from your flexibility so just stretch normally everytime.  the important thing is to kick and kick and kick...put that heavy bag to good use...and I'm not talking about kicking the bag 20 times a day and calling it a takes way more kicks a day with different drills with speed, technique, and power...mix it up as long as it's time, it just naturally comes, and I know you're gonna have quite a few idiots that see my answer and tell you I'm wrong...but I'm telling you from personal experience and what i've seen from training partners as well...good luck to ya, dude!

  3. it takes time  your groin is a muscle like all muscle they are able to stretch with lots of practice....

  4. streach and do frogs stearchs it helps alot

  5. mmm, when Scott Epstein from 10th planet ju jitsu came came to show us some rubber guard things, he also showed us some wicked stretches.

    cant really explain them here :) but maybe you can look into those.  Google them or something..."rubber guard warmup stretches" or something...

    also it would help you a lot if you didnt jsut stretch before training, but also after, and maybe in the morning? stretching is soooo key for all these things.

    Maybe if you are die hard serious, go see a physiotherapist, he should be able to show you come cool sheet! :D

    Hope thsi helps,


  6. First, be careful, and make sure, especially with a previous injury that you only stretch AFTER warming up!!  Okay, fter your warmed up some of the easiest and further warming stretches that should benefit you are "front ups" and "side ups", basically a leg swing, where you keep your leg straight and raise it to the side to a full extension, swinging it up and returning it to your base foot.  ten of these, trying to get a greater and greater range, normally three sets each foot and each direction.  thats a great warm up.  the next thing you need to do is isolate the muscle group impeding your progress. Are you sure its your groin?  I know this may sound like a silly question, but I had many students whose hamstrings or lower back kept them from reaching their flexibility potential.

    Also, a partner can really help, becasue when you try to do the splits, your groin is flexing due to bearing your weight, with a partner you can have someone help your stretch in a non-dynamic position of relaxed muscle and focus on your breathing while they stretch you.  You should probably continue to focus on some track style stretches, but remember to focus on stretching the interior thigh muscle comfortably and with proper breathing!  Hope this helps!!

  7. do some good warm ups and then just stretch your heart out

    butterfly stretches are great stuff and if you feel confident enough you can let a partner help you by standing on your knees.  opening the legs can't hurt either just keep stretching and you'll get there in time.  don't overdo it though groin injuries or overstretched muscles are painful to handle.

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