
Tips needed for handicapping the greyhound.

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I want to become a successful greyhound handicapper, can you help me know, what are the most effective tips for handicapping the greyhound races in a super successful way.




  1. There are several punters who specialise in dog racing and do very well at it.
    I know one in particular who makes his living on them.
    He realises that there are so few serious punters in the game and so little publicly available information that he has an enormous advantage in concentrating on it. Even the bookies generally don't have much of an idea.
    He works very hard on it, studying videos for hours and hours, knows every dog's habits and can draw accurate speed maps. Concentrating on only local events means he can know more about them than probably anyone else.
    Unfortunately for him, he can't bet with the bookies anymore so has to concentrate on the totes (particularly exotics) and Betfair.

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