
Tips on Air travel?

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i have a flight leaving from Knoxville, TN to Charlotte, NC and from NC to Atlanta Gorgia. If anyone could give me some advice on these airports or any tips on what to bring/not bring I would appreciate it.




  1. Here is a site that will help you on what to bring/not to bring.

  2. dont bring LAGs(Liquid, Aerosols, and Gel)

    bring an ipod or a book during the flight

    happy travel ;)

  3. liquids like mouthwash should be packed in your checked-in luggage.  i would bring snacks, mp3 player, book, etc to keep yourself busy.

  4. Be prepared to wait in Charlotte,   I've never had a flight leave on time in that airport.  If I were you, I'd just try to take a carry on and not bother with checking luggage.  

    Remember about the liquid rule for carry ons.

    No liquids, gels, and/or aerosols are permitted EXCEPT one clear transparent re-sealable 1 quart (1 liter) size plastic bag which may contain liquids, gels, and/or aerosols in containers of 3 oz. (90ml) capacity or less per container.
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