
Tips on Army Physical Fitness Test?

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as an 18 year old in order to get 60% which is passing you have to get 42 push up and 55 sit ups in 2 minutes as well as run 2 miles ... anybody with prior army experience have any advice for the best way to go about taking the test?




  1. Train in advance!

  2. Train consistently.

    Do your best at PT everyday and do more on your own. Stretch everyday (even on the weekends) and stay hydrated.

  3. Sure, do pushups, situps, and run.  The best way to get better at those events is to DO those events.

    However, if you have time, crosstraining can always help.  Get thee to a gym!  Work on your core muscles.

    If you're starting from scratch, ask your recruiter how to get started without injuring yourself.  Otherwise, make a friend or two at your local gym.  You can always find good and free advice from the people who go there.

    For the run, sprints will help with your speed, but only running for long times can help with your endurance.  Start off with a distance and speed you can handle and slowly increase both.  Take a day or two a week to work on sprints.  Maybe one day every couple weeks to run up hills.

    Above all, don't push yourself further if you feel pain.  Sore is okay, but real pain is not.  The last thing you want to do is injure yourself.

    Good luck to you,


  4. Start preparing for the test as early as possible, like, what i did was max out on my push ups and situps every night, but i never really did any type of running training, i just did what they gave us at basic.  During the test, when you do your pushups, and when you flex your back to take a "break" take a big breath in, it makes it a little better, and made me able to push out those few more pushups i needed.  With situps, breathe in on the way down, and out on the way up, it really really helps with that.  With the 2 mile run, have someone pace you that you know won't fall out or go too slow, I had a pacer and ran 1 minute under the time i needed to pass! :D

    Also, drink a lot of water the night before the test, this will keep you hydrated throughout the test!

  5. my main problem at my age is the run, but i found a helpful article which i'll share:

    as for pushups and situps, do about 3-4 sets of your max with a min or two rest inbetween every day and you'll pass those easily in no time.

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