
Tips on Breast feeding ???

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We have a 3 1/2 month old daughter. Our babysitter watches her Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and she has a 4 month old son. We want our daughter to have breast milk but my wife isn't producing enough to feed her. Would it be inappropriate to ask our babysitter to breast feed her ??? Assuming she has a surplus amount to spare ???




  1. Personally, that seems like a strange thing to ask someone.  I don't know if I would feel comfortable asking and I'm not so sure another woman would feel comfortable if asked.  There are donor milk programs where you can get breast milk for your baby, but I would personally go to formula before I did that.

  2. If I was asked that, it would be some what awkward for me. Breastfeeding nowadays is a very personal bonding time with your own baby, and doing it for someone else would be weird, but not all women feel that way. You can ask, but don't expect a yes. To increase your wife's breast milk production, try nursing and pumping more often, allowing her to go through let down (when the b*****s tense up and shoot milk) at least once a feeding or pumping per breast, completely empty one breast before moving on to the other, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, stay on her pregnancy eating regime, continue taking prenatals, massage the b*****s under warm water, stimulate the nipples, and have her think about breastfeeding her baby more often. This will stimulate milk production ALOT. If all else fails you can always supplament. As long as your baby is fed. Best wishes.

  3. If she is happy with it, then why not,

    Wet-nursing has been going on for centuries.

    She will produce more milk on demand for your daughter.

  4. It's not inappropriate, but the babysitter may be offended.  You'll have to gage your relationship with her.  Definitely have your wife ask her.

    Your wife should make sure that the baby is being nursed on demand day and night when she's with her.  As long as she nurses on demand on her days off, she should be able to pump enough milk for the baby, but it may take some practice.  It's always possible to pump on one side while nursing on the other.  She can do that in the morning.  That way, baby will have an extra bottle ready to go.

    Tell your wife that she's got plenty of milk, it's just the pump that's she's having trouble with.  Most women have trouble pumping quite so much around the 4 month mark.  Half an ounce is normal (both sides).  Just make sure she realizes that what she pumps is not the same as what she's got!  

  5. i wouldnt want that. would you want some stranger lady breastfeeding your poor child.. boy is she going to get confused.

    please dont!

  6. its totally acceptable, depending on how close you are to the babysitter. milk from another mom is far healthier than formula, as long as she doesnt do drugs (which im guessing she doesnt, since she is BFing her own and you allow her to babysit....)  

  7. yeah I don't think that would be a comfortable conversation.

  8. Yes it would! I hope this is a joke question!

  9. It depends on how comfortable you feel with the quality of your babysitter's breast milk and how much she is willing to do so. I would make sure you have something typed up for her protection so she won't feel that you might come back on her for doing something wrong. Have you approached her to even know if this is an option? Good luck, I would think that is the hardest step!

  10. Not at all, you won't know until you ask her, maybe she could pump in-between feedings for your daughter, she may charge extra.

  11. Yes, I'm sorry, unless you are extremely close, or maybe family it seems a bit inappropriate.  Plus, it will throw off the supply of the other mommy and give her an oversupply.

    Does your wife have a good double electric breast pump?  Medela is the best and works quite well for me - I pump twice a day at work.

    Here's a link about pumping and supply -

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