
Tips on Life?

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What are some of the tips on life you've been told by your friends, family etc? Do you have any tips of your own? And what has been the most important and valuable tip of all those you know?




  1. Trust

    God,not fallible man and vain philosophies.

  2. Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ******* big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of ******* fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit- crushing game shows, stuffing ******* junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, ******-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would you want to do a thing like that? - Irvine Welsh.

  3. Live and let die

  4. Never settle for second best.

    Think you can achieve and work for your goal

    From a friend - learn to drive and so i did

  5. Best tip from my dad: 1.Thank GOD every day that you are still alive and make the most out of it.

    2. Treat others as you would like others to treat you.

    3. Life could be worst.

  6. success is a journey not a destination

    never trust a man

  7. nothing in life is free and what you do get you have to work for .Also life is short so live everyday like its your last because you never know when its going to end

  8. Never believe in anything you hear and only half of what you see!

  9. never trust anyones advice

    what do you do now???

  10. 1)A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.

    2)Men never remember, but women never forget

    3)It takes two flints to make a fire.

    4)To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.

    5)An inch of time cannot be bought with an inch of gold.

    6)He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

    7)If you stand straight, do not fear a crooked shadow.

    8)What is told into the ear of a man is often heard a hundred miles away.

    9)The journey is the reward.

  11. hmm very gud q...

    universe is a great echo chamber wat u send out comes back at everything u do ...either good or bad...u reap its results accordingly..there's no heaven or h**l..both are very much on this damned earth ..ok let me put it this way...if someone's done wrong to u....but u cudn't do nothing bout it....n later u find out that, that mean person is suffering coz of his\her ill deeds...LET THEM KNOW its becoz of the same...otherwise they won't realize their mistake n only crib  'WHY' me.......answer them

    they say...even n animal cries outta pain, when hurt...what distinguishes humans frm animals is their ability to feel other's pain n the courage(yeah, thats what i c lackin in ppl now a days...esp. lack of courage to do something kind...if it were to beat someone to death...they're all game....(sighs)) to 'initiate' the good karma process..there's alot of evil on this earth....n u have only one lifetime as a human..utitilise it...u have a reason to be here...don't waste time in fig. out wat it is...there's alotta gud u can do without findin that out...half of ur purpose will be accomplished then n there

  12. Love yourself and love others as you love yourself.

  13. Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda

  14. Learn to be a swimmer not a sinker and never let anyone drown you. my own from experience

  15. In no particular order:

    - Never get married before you're 25. Before you're 25, you have no idea what you're going to want for the next fifty years of your life, and after 25 you probably /still/ won't know, but at least you won't have to go through a messy divorce.

    - See above about having kids.

    - If you get married, STAY married. You shouldn't marry someone thinking, "If this doesn't work out, I'll just get a divorce," simply because if you go into it thinking that, you /will/ get a divorce. You've set yourself up for failure before you've even begun. STAY married, and work things out, and be honest, and love.

    - Everyone, everyone, has been wounded. When you remember that everyone has felt the kind of pains you've felt, it makes it easier to love them for the people they are, rather than the things they do or say that might hurt you.

    - Pretend that everyone is a newspaper reporter, and change your actions accordingly. If you wouldn't want it read in the six-o'clock news, don't do it.

    - If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember which stories you've told.

    - Being upset takes more energy than letting it go and smiling.

    - If you say, "You know, you're right. I was wrong. I'm sorry," to someone you're in an argument with, it usually catches them so off guard that they shut up about it.

    - Everyone farts. Those who say they don't are lying. Because everyone shares that one basic, essential truth, there's no point in fighting with each other. Even Hitler farted. Stalin. Ghandi. Buddha probably farted, too, until he reached Enlightenment. And even then, he probably farted, because it's man's nature to do so. I'm absolutely certain that Jesus farted, too, because if he was God in Man's form, and all men f**t, well.. There you go. Jesus farted, too.

    - If there's a problem that seems too huge to handle, break it down into smaller pieces. If you need an entire mouth's work of dental work done, start with one tooth at a time.

    - When cleaning a giant mess for the first time, place Like with Like. Paper in a paper pile, cloth in a cloth pile, junk in a junk pile, then deal with each pile as a separate entity, rather than being overwhelmed by the whole mess.

    - It's better to have a job that pays little money, than to have no job at all.

    - Pray. Even if you don't believe in the God you're praying to, just saying, "God, if you exist, I need help with this," helps you, because you hear yourself giving yourself comfort and hope. If you need a God to pray to, you can borrow mine. He has an elephant's face and a heart that can contain the world.

    - If it seems too good to be true, it is. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it while it lasts, but make sure you don't set yourself up for disappointment by expecting more out of it than you get.

    - The two greatest needs of a human being are to Love, and to Do. People think it's to Be Loved, and to Be Needed, but that isn't the case. That misconception is the main reason people's marriages break up: they forget that they're supposed to Love their spouse, rather than demand love /from/ their spouse. Give without expectations of receiving, and you will always be happy. Do it for free, and for fun, because you want to, and for no other reason. You will never be disappointed.

    - The only failure there is, is never to try.

    - Surrender doesn't mean giving up and feeling depressed and feeling sorry for yourself. Surrender means accepting the current situation for what it is, for the good and the bad, for the facts of the situation, and for what you're feeling. Once you've accepted all of those things, surrender is merely saying, "Alright. Here's what it is. It sucks. I'm unhappy," and then doing something about it.
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