
Tips on being a good horsey parent!?

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I no I am with those of you who dont enjoy answering these personal questions but could you please help me?

Well anyway to the question. I am going to be leasing a horse soon and at my barn when you lease the horse its basically yours. But all you have to do is pay and ride. You dont have to buy tack or pay for farrier or vet or worming etc...

So I am going to lease!

My barn is going to get a few new horses that will be tested to see if they are safe and then I may lease one. Any tips in being a good owner? Besides the obvious (treats, grooming etc...)

Thanks so much for helping me!




  1. Everyone's answers are good so far.

    Just develop a relationship, like you said... you don't always ride. But make riding fun sometimes, such as...

    ride bareback

    if you have a field~ go for a gallop or a short trail ride

    groom for long periods of time

    play games (you can search fun horseback riding  games on yahoo.. you'll find a billion answers that are awesome.. i've answered a few.. i think i even asked a question about fun games, you can look through my q&a's if you want

    i dont really like parelli.. but you could try that

    hope this helps

  2. start a record book or worming, farrier, vetinerary care, dantal stuff ect. ive gotten to the point where i write down every time i ride what happened, charting our progress

  3. Talk to them

    If you can, join up in a round pen


    Scratch their withers, like another herd member would do.

    Find their favorite spot to be scratched and reward him when you first come into thier stall every day.

    Be sure to follow any sceduele that his/her owners set up.

    Don't let them be pushy-you are the lead horse.

    Never hit or hurt your horse as punishment.

    If you are training them, reward or discipline within 2 secconds of the behavior you want- otherwise they won't know what to do.

    Do lots of tricks;

    You could teach him/her to bow

    Teach him/her to kiss (I taught this to my horse)

    Teach him/her to hug

    Lol teach him/her to urinate on command

    Rear on command

    To smile

    To shake hands

  4. Once you get started, keep asking questions.  Read anything you can get your hands on about it, and observe other people at the barn and what the are'll get the hang of it in no time.  Just think of how the horse feels...if it's dirty, groom it.  If it's hot, don't overwork it...remember it needs fresh water...just things like that.  Be sure to pick out the hooves before and after every ride because the hooves are very important to the horse's well being.  Good luck!

  5. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn what it takes to care for a horse, if they are in a stable, you will need to visit, and feed and clean out stall twice a day, and give exercise and brushing. Its not all about the ride and fun, they require allot of time and money. You need to see what he needs to be fed and how often and how much, you have to be careful what he eats and how often to make sure he doesn't get ill. Horses need to chew 23 hours a day, they usually graze , if they are confined to a stable they will need to be checked frequently for water and feed and clean dry places to stay in and proper exercise. enjoy and learn as much as you can, I am still learning there is so much to learn and know about each individual horse, they require lots of care and needs as well

  6. ok, so the basic thing is you need to be the leader in a nice way, be firm but nice.

  7. in my case, i lease a 20 year old mare (Lady) for my six year old daughter. We visit/ride her 2 days a week if not more.

               I dont know if Lady even cares or notices that we love her....but I buy her treats, clean her stall, feed her and groom her every time we visit. I don't think that Lady is a very loving horse...but she really takes care of my daughter and Lady deserves to be loved. I think that Lady is very neglected emotionally and therefor not as attentive as she could be. WE have been with her now for 3 months. I make it a point to baby her as much as possible.

  8. Give them lots of love and attention! Thats the key to winning there heart and there trust... yes i know thats a short answer but that is really the key show them that there really loved and that they can trust you!

  9. I'm sorry, I wish I could help you but I've never (nor do I now)  owned a horse before. All I can say is listen to the other people who have answered sofar ;)

    Good luck! And congratz on leasing a new horse!

  10. Read! That is the number one piece of advice I can give you. Read anything and everything you can on good horse care. Feeding and nutrition, grooming and bathing, common ailments, vaccines and worming. Read read read. After 20+ years with horses I still read daily and learn something new. Just by asking how to be a good horse mama I know you will be. Congrats on being a horse mama, and remember to love them enough to make them well disciplined. :~)

  11. You want to be a good owner, nothing wrong with that...Heck i talk to my horses my neighbors think i crazy...Being a good owner does not mean you just feed and ride, you spend quality time with them.  It takes me a few hours to give mine time but i do it every single day, no matter if i feel like crude that day.  I have a new horse that got brought into my rescue, she is a freak of nature, severally abused she has trust issues.  I spend time daily with her, i started by just sitting on the pipe corral, didn't touch her, heck she would have killed me if i tried...After a couple of weeks now she doesn't want me to leave her, she stops eating and cries for me, she wants me to touch her now.  They need more than food, they need to know your not just there to give them water, feed them and ride...Spending time just brushing them and scratching them in their favorite spot makes them want to do the other things you have for them to do.

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