
Tips on bipolar guy..opinion of relationship needed

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Ok..Ha ha I never thought I'd post on one of these! Well my problem is with a guy I met back in like Dec/Jan. I use to live in the same city as him and we use to hang out frequently and he would come over even though he lived 1 hr away. We fooled around but never had s*x. Well in May I left the city and moved across the country to live with my family after I got out of the military to finish school. I have full intentions of moving back to be with him and see where this goes. We have talked every single day since I left and while I was there multiple times a day and he stayed with me the night before I left and we STILL didn't have s*x. When I asked him why he said because he doesnt just sleep with people. He's slept with 3 and Ive slept with 5. Well I am going there in September and we are supposed to hook up then and I am staying with him at his PARENTS house. He is such a complex person..I have patience though or at least I think. He suffers from bipolar and is always having new ideas such as jobs and everything and hes even "tested" me by trying to get me to stop talking to him or trying to get me mad at him. Maybe he's insecure?? He is 28 and I am 22. Ive told him I loved him but he hasn't said it back and I am fine with that because he says he likes me I believe him and I would rather him know how I feel. Then he asks about marriage and slyly says j/k? Like wtf am I supposed to think? He doesn't like my friends (granted most of them have screwed up lives), he wanted me to quit smoking and remove all my piercings except my nose n ears claiming "you look better without them". Now his new thing since I don't text him as much or talk to him as much BUT WE STILL TALK SEVERAL TIMES EVERYDAY he keeps asking me is I like him as much or if I am bored with him. He is always stressed out about everything I feel bad for him worrying about this because it simply isn't true I just don't like to bother him when I think he's working or seem to obsessed. What does he really want from me? Another problem is I don't really know why I have fallen for him he isn't the type of guy physically I usually go for but there is just something special about him and when he asks what it is that makes him different..I don't know what to say to put it into words. I don't know what my question really is but I would like someones opinion on this cause I just am confused by it all quite frankly.




  1. Babygirl, get out and get out quick. He seems very controlling. I had a boyfriend like that. We were together for 5 months and slept together once. Before that he was like take out your piercings,dress more conservative, don't talk to this person. That type of stuff. When we eventually slept together it got worse and turned physical. Trust me sweetie its not healthy.

  2. he sounds controlling..get rid of him!

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