
Tips on bringing a baby on vacation?

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we are going to get away next month for a week hopefully(sick of this Irish weather!)

any tips on bringing a 3 month baby away? She is a very happy/content baby




  1. sure, it depends on where you're going though. just make sure to dress her according to the weather and make sure there are no changes in her feed/sleep schedule.

  2. If your baby is on a schedule, stick to the schedule as best you can. I found that worked for my daughter when we traveled last month to a different time zone. We kept her on our regular time zone's time and she adapted very well.

  3. Make sure if you are going on a plane, you have a bottle or nurse while taking off and landing, so that it eases the ear popping, otherwise, try to just keep as much of the same rutines you do when your at home, like naps and bedtime.  If you change it up too much, you wont have a happy/content baby for long.  

  4. Since you may be on an airplane (I don't know where you live) make sure that you bring something for it to suck on while on the plane. Especially during take off and landing. Babies cry because their ears hurt and they don't know to yawn or chew. So that way you take away the pain and she is content during the flight.

    That's if you're going on a plane.  

  5. If you want to wreck your vacation, take her.

  6. Good for you!  We just took our 4-month old on vacation, and really enjoyed ourselves.  Just bring things that remind the baby of home... we brought the CD and noise machine that help put our baby to sleep at night.  Things like that... Have fun!

  7. It´s quite convenient to travel with babies that small. Breastfeed during landing and take off, the uncomfortable feeling in the ears they might have reduces when eat. A baby bouncer is a great thing to have, a light one that is easy to travel with, take to the beach or at the poolside. Adding l link to the one i have, I´m very happy with it. And remember to keep the baby in the shadow at all times. See to it that she is urinating and the diaper gets full, if not she´s dehydrated and needs more fluid. Have a lovely vacation!


    I have 2 kids one who is 6 months.I wouldn't even consider bringing her on a "vacation" ...doesnt sound like you will have much of a "vacation" taking care of a baby all week.

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