
Tips on caring for bay trees please?

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Hi there

We have bought two bay trees for my wedding next year and would like some tips please on where to keep them, how to look after them. Also, some baby ones seem to be sprouting in the pot. Is there a way we can take them out to grow them from scratch?

Thanks in advance.




  1. I agree with the first answer but from experience I would make sure they are sheltered from the frost in winter - they are usually hardy but I did lose one to frost.

  2. bay trees are easy to grow and you can prune them to shape with secateurs. plant in a well drained soil, will grow in any type of soil, and away from winds if poss. so a nice sheltered sunny position is best.

    water only when soil is dry and never overwater so that the soil is saturated.

    you can use the leaves in stews etc.

    if you have new growths these will be ok to pot up as above.

    good luck

  3. The suckers at the bottom need to be ripped out,yes ripped as it stops it regrowing,otherwises keep cutting off as energy is lost in top growth.If they are in pots feed occaisionally in growing season,any feed,In soil then don't bother.The big problem is leaf curl,where insects breed inbetween the thickness of each leaf.No remedy except to immeadiately pick off all infected leaves to stop spreading.They grow anywhere,but prefer full sun and very freedraining soil as they survive winter better.cut to shape or size at anytime except winter.If using leaves in cooking then rip each leaf first to trigger aroma

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