
Tips on cross country for a beginner...?

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I'm a 15 year old girl and I'm 5'1 and I weigh 100 pounds. I started cross country this week. I haven't done any sports before. I am slow and I have no endurance at all. Does anyone have tips on increasing my endurance, running, faster, etc.? Would taking longer strides help save energy?




  1. go to

    they have stuff about training for a 5k for beginners and stuff, which is what you'll be running i think

    just remember: dont go out to quickly in races and try to keep up with team mates or other people that are a lot faster than you. with work, you'll be able to stay up with them, but dont try to.

    good luck! its a great sport and ends up being a lot of fun!

  2. NO!!! Taking longer strides wastes energy. u should take shorter strides and relax ur arms...but dont b to relaxed... i just started to. my coach told me to keep running more...(ex 1/2 mile one week and a mile the next)...u get the point...just keep working at will pay off in the long run!!!

  3. Eat healthy, run, dont walk, & if your really commited then buy running shoes. Also ice your legs if they start hurting. Do what you can, don't kill yourself trying to keep up with others, find your own pace.

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