
Tips on drawing plzzz?

by Guest59690  |  earlier

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does anybody know any good tips on helping me draw... i wanna be good at drawing people like from magazines and stuff like looking and a pic and drawing them...plz helppppp.... i can draw peoples hair and stuff alrite but its more sorta gettin their eyebrows rite and eyes even and getting their mouth rie.. so any tips??




  1. It's all about proportion. One technique that helps is blind drawing. Do not look at your paper, look at the image in front of you and draw extreemly slow. Moving the pencil (or pen which ever you are using) with your eye flow.

    You can go to the library or look online for art tutorials. That may help.

    One thing that helped me learn how to draw people was taking drawing classes of nude models. Some people find it a bit hard due to their maturity level or comfort around other people. But it's just an idea.

  2. another way to help proportions is to take the image that you want to draw, turn it upside down and draw it in its upside down form.

    that way its more shapes, instead of a nose, or lips....more abstract i suppose. then when done, turn your drawing up normal ways and see how well youve done.

  3. All I can say is practice practice practice...

    I know one thing that has helped me more than most is studying anatomy books. Not just the exterior, but understanding muscle and bone structure will help you to understand where and how things should look.

    Also, I started out by studying the most readily available model...myself. Using a mirror you can really study every curve and feature of your face. Look a minor details, and you should really dig deep and feel where your muscles are located. Just be a little more self aware of little things, such as walking or smiling. Think about exactly what muscles are being used, and how many muscles are being used. Once you get a grasp of muscle groups...faces become more about a composition of shapes, than one whole shape with a few appendages.

    Your not just a face...your bones, nerves, muscles, and skin...attempt to think in layers if that helps.

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