
Tips on driving test?

by  |  earlier

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I have my driving test tomorrow and I'm really worried about

1.)making a right hand you have to go all the way in the dotted bike lane? Because when I did my third behind the wheel lesson the instructor said i would have failed for not going "all the wayy in"

2.)backing up...are we allowed to glance at the rear view mirror AFTER you look back to check if we would hit the curb or not.

and any tips? because i'm kind of nervous!!!





  1. hi.

    ok i had my test today and i passed (yay!)

    i don't really know about the first question.

    but the second one, just look back as much as you can. you can look in your side mirrors too. but mostly just look back.

    i was SOOOO nervous before my test! i didn't get any sleep last night because i was up thinking about it. and once i got in the car i was not nervous at all. and it took like 7 minutes. it was soooo easy. i was like "wow. i can't believe i was that nervous for that"

    the only thing i got points off for was when i was pulling over to do my y-turn i didn't look back over my right shoulder to check my blind spot. and i got 6 points off for that. but the lady i was with was like "do you know what you did wrong?" and i was like "yea" so it was fine. and my lady was reeeally nice! she would like help me out like she would be like "ok after this car its clear so you can take a right" and stuff like that.

    and if you go through uncontrolled intersections make sure to cover your break and look both ways. (look both ways just to make sure at all intersections)

    i don't really know what else to say...

    it was sooo easy. and i thought it was like a minute but it was 7. it goes by soooo quick.

    just don't stay up late losing sleep over it like i did last night:) haha


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