
Tips on filing complaint with Insurance Commissioners Office?

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Hello. Based on the advice I was given on previous questions I've asked, I've decided to file a complaint with the Insurance Commissioners office against my Insurer regarding a denied car theft claim. Any tips on filing this complaint so that it gets enough attention?




  1. You must be a very patient person to keep dealing with this claim.

    Don't worry about it getting attention. Every Commish complaint I've had to answer became an instant priority.  

    I don't know what state you are in, but I would recommend filing the Ins Commish complaint on your own. Don't send anything to the Commish on the attorneys letterhead. In the vast majority of commish complaints that I have dealt with they seem to help people without lawyers more.

    As far as the complaint, write it up in a professional manner, no name calling etc. Some of the best ones I have seen, listed a chronological order of all the important factors. The theft, communications with the company and in your case list any times that other people may have had access to your keys where a dup could have been made/ordered. If you have a loan on the car make sure to include proof that your payments were current at the time of the theft. That would show that you would have very little motive to have the car "stolen."

    Then put in ANY info or arguments you have for your position that the theft was legit and why you think the company position is wrong.

    Trust me the insurance company will get a copy of whatever you send to the Commish. The company will go through it with a fine tooth comb, so make sure everything in it is accurate or they will use it against you.

  2. If you have an attorney, discuss this with him/her first.  You need to explain in your complaint why you disagree with the insurance company's position.  

    All complaints filed with the Insurance Commissioner are logged.  They are sent to the insurance company with a request to respond.  Usually the insurance company only has 15-30 days to respond to the complaint.  The response is sent to the Ins. Commissioner.  They will notify you of the insurance company's response.  Go to your state's Insurance Commissioner's website.

    I went back to your original question.  They denied your claim without your examination under oath?  That's very strange.  Was your car recovered?  If so, I assume that the ignition was not defeated, and since all keys are accounted for, that is why they denied it.

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