
Tips on getting my 14 month old to sleep through the night??

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Plez help I haven't had a full nights sleep in 14 months. No matter 1 or 2 naps (never more) a day. He always wakes up between 1am and 2:30am and then again between 4:30am and 6:00am. i have tried cutting naps back, putting him to bed later and sometimes i will feed him a snack right before bed to maybe help sleep better. when he does wake up, most times his eyes are barely open almost like he had a nightmare. But the oddest thing that I don't understand is his naps are fine, not one problem. When it is nap time I lay him down and walk away and he sleeps just fine.I really have tried most tricks and really could use some help. Any advice would help> Thanks.




  1. Have you tried bathing your child before bedtime?Or maybe some warmed up milk as well.That may help to relax your child.


    She has some wonderful tips and ideas to help babies and toddlers sleep better.  She has a book for babies, and another for toddlers/preschoolers.

  3. Two naps for a 14 month old might be too much, also make sure you dont let him sleep later than 3 p.m. and dont let him go to sleep to late either. My 18 month old had trouble at that age, but it was mostly due to night terrors, as they do begin at this age. Make sure there is nothing in his room that might scare him. Night terrors dont happen during the day, that is why he is okey during his nap. The best advice I can give you, is try taking him to bed with you after he wakes up in the middle of the night and giving him a bottle. He will feel safe, and even you can get some sleep at that time.

  4. make him sleep only once during the day. that is more than enough for this age.

  5. I know what you are going through. I thought my daughter would never sleep through the night. Here's what I did. I stayed in her room with her a little while and read her a couple of books, very soft music quietly in the background, let her feel that I was very close by and It finally worked. She sleeps about 11 hours. Hang in there before you know it you wont be able to get him up for school.

  6. I dont think that the previous answer will help.  For one most peditricians recommend to be off the bottle before 1 year, which my kids were.  Second, if you feed him at night he will be dependant on food at night and you will end up with a 2 or 3 year old on day that is waking you up for a 2 am snack!  Not what your going for I hope!  Before you child is 6 months they have enough body fat to be OK through the night with out food.  My pediatrician recommanded I not go into the room at night until 20 mins. of crying!!  Which killed me......but it wasnt about was about the baby.  To my disbelief he fell asleep within 15 minutes.....I was for sure he would cry all night.  Pedi said after 20 mins, go in there make sure he is safe....dont pick him up, dont turn on the light........she actuallly told me to tell him in a grumpy sleep voice to go back to bed...nite nite!  That way he wouldnt get stimulated.  There are also some good books out there on sleeping methods.

  7. Well I don't have any advice, sorry.  I am interested in your answers. I also have a 14 year old who sleeps with us and wakes several times during the night as well.  I too haven't slept for 7 straight hours fro 14 months. ***Yawn***

    You are def. not alone here!!

  8. Have a regular bed time routine that makes sure he is comfortable such as bathing before sleep, a fresh change of diaper etc.

    Check out the following site on how to set up a routine and other sleeping tips:

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