
Tips on getting surf wax out of boardshorts?

by  |  earlier

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I've got some trunks that have a lot of wax really embedded. One laundering didnt make much improvement. I've seen reference to lava soap or alchohol working on non-surf waxes. Any tips?




  1. You can use surf wax remover to get it out (such as s*x Wax x*x).  I personnaly use Goo Be Gone to remove surf wax because it is cheaper than paying the premium for some wax company's stuff.  It also doesn't smell as bad.  I have also heard of using stuff like Orange-Glo cleaner but I am not sure if this would stain the shorts or not.

  2. Apply heat blow dryer,really hot water etc.. or just get some surf wax remover and soak them in it just be careful not to soak them in it and then apply heat.

  3. i soak mine overnight in warm-to-hot water and it does the trick. if that doesn't work, try a pumice stone

  4. boil them

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