
Tips on getting youth group kids excited about praise and worship?

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I've been asked to help with youth and told they need help getting the kids to participate in worship. I have never worked with youth and would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.




  1. Admit it. What you're really looking for are indoctrination tactics. I wish you people would end the abuse.

    The best tactic has always been to threaten them with eternal h**l, like the do at Jesus Camp. Abusers tend to stay with what has worked in the past.

    Fear is the biggest motivator with you people.

  2. I'd tell them about all the fun they can have bullying and persecuting people that don't think like and believe the same things they do. How they can go out and use fear and scare tactics to try to get people to think like they do. They can tell other people that are bad and going to h**l for certain genetic conditions and how much fun they can have trying to control what other people do with their bodies. All in the name of "God" and Jesus  

  3. Try some Petra,Maranatha,or other praise music.

    Share a Gospel message

    Only a true christian will enjoy Praise and Worship.

  4. here's a good idea..

    why dont you tell them to start thinking for themselves, and educate themselves. that way they wont grow up hating everything and thinking everything is a sin and that if they dont believe like you they'll burn in h**l and all that..hmm....maybe then they'd grow up to be better more compassionate open minded people

  5. Have them learn a worship song(s) to sing in front of the congregation.

    One of the best examples is for them to see an example from the leadership.  Basically to "see" the leadership and adults in the church praising and worshipping God.

    Youth need to know the true meaning of praise and worship before they are expected to do it.  God will do the rest.  God will start the "fire" inside through prayer.


  6. When I was young at catholic school, they threatened us with eternal suffering if we didn't get into it. At the very least people feigned excitement.

  7. From my personal experience, you can't really. Even now I few of my buddies are becomming adults, and still I notice that they aren't hungry for the Word at all. What really challenged me is that I was asked to lead a lesson and I always learn a lot and have much understanding. Or well, I just might be thinking of teenagers.

    For young children, its always great when the congregation can see them all together. Thats probably the most we can ask for I guess. Or maybe someone make a video about anything. Everyone always loves to see edited videos on what they've produced, lotta fun.  

  8. When I was in youth, we always started with a couple faster songs, to wake everyone up, and ended with a couple more reflective songs, which would help us focus and prepare for the message, which came directly after that. We also had the lights down, and some cool Christmas-type lights on during worship, which made it feel more special and exciting.

    Also, I know that I tend to worship God better when I already know the song, because then I can focus on Him and not learning lyrics. I'm not saying to never begin using a new song, but maybe become familiar with the more popular worship songs they already know, and use some of those for starters. Try asking some of the older kids and including them in the process-- it's a great way that you can instill in them a sense of ownership. They will automatically be more interested in worship if they had a part in helping to plan it!

    Hope this helps! God bless!

  9. I'd help but i not now coz u WORSHIP God.

  10. Try talking about your experience as a Christian. What are some of the blessings you've experienced? Then, ask them.

    Once a few people have answered, ask them if they think that a God who does that is worth singing about.

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