
Tips on handing in notice at work?

by Guest33246  |  earlier

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Im giving in my notice tomorow at work to leave for uni.

I am reali nervous about doing this as I don't know how they will react at work.

Will they think ive used them for a year and stuff??

Tips please




  1. Here's a tip from someone who's probly 3 times your age and wishes he'd known as much then,etc; without being rude or undermining anyone elses chosen path, think of what is best for YOU, and go for it. And don't let anyone change your mind if its what you want.

  2. just ave a strung drink and doo it

  3. You are giving them a valid reason for the notice.    They should have been that smart (as an employer, ) that this may be occurring sometime in the future.      There should be no problems with that, in future referrals or maybe in possible rehire if you so choose down the road.

  4. If you read this before going to work, maybe it will help. I have had to leave summer jobs and others to go to uni. I have never had someone upset because I was off to better myself.

    Chances are the people at work will be quite understanding. If not, then well, it is their problem.

    I might add, unless this job was a special favour to someone, then you haven't used them at all. If you like you may always ask if you can return to work there next summer holiday, or if you may give them as a reference in future. They will probably be quite pleased to do one or both.

  5. You're giving in your notice to take up studies at a university. That's a very legitimate excuse and that shouldn't let you fear about anything. Rather, people are going to miss you since you're going to be heading for a better education and a different place, and won't be seeing them again.

    Expect to have people come up to you and say "We will miss you"

    Hope this helps.

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