
Tips on how to do a one foot spin from crossovers ?

by  |  earlier

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I can do a one foot spin from a piviot and stay centered although from crossovers i dont know how much to bend or where my foot goes after it goes out, i also have a bit of trouble staying balanced and staying on the rigt part of the blade, another huge problem is that i spin and i go onto an inside edge =[ i can do everything else like my salchow, toe loop,loop jump backwards and forwards spirals ect i just cant get my spins any tips would be great




  1. Learning to do spins from a backward crossovers takes some practice because you have to make sure its just right otherwise the spin wont happen.

    -do two backward crosovers and make sure you have some speed

    bring your left arm in front and think of "winding into" the spin

    then let go of your arm and sort of step into a circle

    hope i helped

  2. Do right over left backward crossovers first. then wen ur coming out of a crossover, dont put ur left foot down. Hold it up in a 1 foot glide position and pull urself backwards in a circle on the inside right edge. then step on ur left leg, and swing it around for speed. After about 2 or 3 rotations with ur foot out, pull it next to ur leg, this will build speed even faster . Hold ur arm position in a V and make it tight. look up and hold ur head still while spinning. U wanna be on the ball of ur foot.

    Good luck!

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