
Tips on how to fight?

by  |  earlier

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I've come down to the situation of getting into a fight, two actually. One with a shorter, smaller, but kind of pudgy kid. The other, a guy a little taller and quite... Big. I know violence isn't the answer, I have my own reasons, I just would like some tips or anything I should know.




  1. if he is shorter then you need to know how to punch and use the length of your arms to keep him at a distance b/c being shorter he is going to want to fight in a way that is called fighting on the inside which is close to your body. if you let him get close it will be harder to release your arms.

    for someone taller you would fight them just the opposite. bend you knees, get low and go inside on them and hit them from close range.

    the key to fighting is to not allow the other person fight the way they want the fight should go b/c then you give them all the power in the fight.

    go to a boxing gym and learn there. plus don't get into street fights and if you do there is no honor in a street fight and ending it is the best thing you can do which is why the following are best for street fights...

    kicks to the groin, elbows, eye gouging, choking, grabbing and hitting, biting and others.

  2. The obvious answer is not to fight, avoid it at all costs. Fighting is bad even for the best fighters because it gives you a chance of getting hurt.

    However there are some situations where it is unavoidable and that's why I do martial arts.

    Use fluid motions, don't 'grapple' your opponent. Use your reach to your advantage if you can. Strike quickly and hard and don't linger on a strike. Don't stop until the opponent stops moving or yields. Fists are not the only weapons at your disposal, you can kick, use your elbows and knees, and of course use other weapons you can find.

    The best practice is probably to do the hardest punches you can as fast as you can from a standing position on a punching bag or similar.

  3. well the shorter kid is probly slow keep ur hands up on ur cheecks and throw strate punches the whole fight but dont get to close cause he has the advantage in close, the tall guy u have to do somthing i like to call counter punching if he throws all these big round shots simpilly bend ur body duck ur head and then as hes of balance from mising drop the straightest right hand and the hardest uv ever thrown on his chin if he dosent go down he will be hurt BAD then just get in kinda close not chest to chest but close enough so his arms cant really reach around and through as many hard punches as u can but just watch keep ur eyes open for any big punches hes a big boy so he will be slow but powerfull dont wrestle with him if he grabs u throw an uppercut to his face hard but another thing trust ur self if u dont trust ur self then ull lose
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