
Tips on how to get a job in denmark?

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Okay, I am a student in Denmark and I do not know any danish yet. I have only been here 9 months and since I am trying to study and keep my grades up I dont really have a lot of time to take danish classes yet. My fiance is danish and he and his friend plan on giving me lessons in danish this summer holiday, but even so I am not going to guarantee I learn it well enough to speak it by the fall.

Anyway, I was wondering where I would be able to get a job? I do not live in Copenhagen (I live in Holbæk, west of Roskilde) and I cannot afford to travel on the train everyday because I dont get student help like danish students do, so my train tickets cost a lot more. I am not above doing cleaning jobs, but it seems like they all require knowing danish, or by the time we inquire, they are already snatched up. I really want to get a job, but it is becoming very frustrating!!! Can anyone help?




  1. really the only thing is cleaning or delivering newspapers in early morninghours or weekends. I own a cleaning company and there are some who will hire you and trust me there are cleaning jobs where u don't have to speak to anyone. Its just that the danish don't like to speak english that much especially when it comes to there business. Even though tourists say oh yes yes they love to speak english....nope thats only to a tourists but when u work and live here they expect u to know danish...but just keep at them and ask them to give u a chance and that it will help u learn danish.

  2. Please cantact Employment Exchange and/or Agencies

  3. My suggestion would be to apply to every job that catches your attention EVEN if they say that they require Danish. It shows that you want the job, and as long as you are willing to learn, perhaps some employers will change their opinion about requiring Danish especially if it means they are getting a good employee.

  4. Why don't you just learn Danish? It's rated one of the easiest languages to learn for an English speaker, only behind Spanish. After living in Denmark for 2 years and having to come back to the US, I would do anything to remain in Denmark. The US is ****-hole.

    I stand by what I said, I have a degree in a much needed field but it still does not matter until you know Danish.

  5.  pls check

  6. Hmmm,if you plan to marry that Danish fiance and stay in Denmark, I suggest to take the free Danish course offered by the 'kommune' as soon as possible, if your school do not offer it already. (It will make your life alot easier to deal with Danes, not to mention your family in laws.)

    It will of course teach you the Danish, but you will also meet other foreigners who might be working already. They can give you some tips on how can you find a job like theirs. I met several such students in  Danish course, who worked mainly in cleaning or other labor intensive jobs. It is really all about networking.  However, you may want to consider intensive Danish course offered  for meeting such forigners.

    If you are taking a Danish course, it can only help you find a job, saying that you are taking this very long steps towards integration, to the employer.

    If you already have some kind of university degree, ask your fiance to look into for you. This is really his job to help you out.

    Good luck.

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