
Tips on how to get taller ?

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i'm around.. 5'1-2ish.. how do i get taller?? everyone keeps saying i just need to wait because i'm only 14 years old.. but i'm always the short one compared to my friends! anyone help me?




  1. i'm almost 18 and I'm around that height. you're still growing and probably will be for the next 5 years. the only advice is that sleep is when you grow the most, so get a lot of sleep. however, if you are genetically not supposed to be tall, there's nothing you can do that can  really make a difference.  

  2. U dont have to worry at this age. Jus follow these simple methods how u can lose weight & also gain gud height.

    1. Pull ups or just try hanging & holding on for as long as u can.

    2. Cycling - atleast minimum of an hr a day

    3. Skipping - atleast half hr a day

    4. Swimming - atleast an hr a day.

    5. climbling - anything & anywhere u can (u will have a few falls but its worth it)

    kid dont worry bout a thing, a person's height growth is upto the age of 18 & sometimes 20. u have a long way to go & i believe that u can make it.... best of luck.

  3. stretch i guess and you would probably pull out a few cms... that is if your lucky... if you want me to be brutally honest dont have your hopes too high, females tend to gradually stop growing at that age, a few years after they reached puberty, and 70% of your growth is determined by the genes from your parents... so your maximum potential is at most a few inches taller than your parents height... again, if your lucky.. I totally understand you and my goal was 180cm / 5'11" but im only 174cm / 5'8.5" and =/ thats life

  4. Alot of guys like shorter girls better, at least where  I live.

    There is really no way to get taller.

    Just be happy with yourself.

  5. Why need to get taller guys like short girls! Im a dude and Im 5'7 and im 14 too! i never dated a girl taller than me! never even seen many of them around me! And besides your probrably short because it runs in your family! And if it doesnt then all i can tell you is drink lots of water, stretch in the mornings, and hang from bars,ledges,orrooftops! Lolz!  


  6. If you're still growing, make sure to eat plenty of protein and get a lot of sleep. You might be done growing, though.  You are a 14 year old girl, and most girls have stopped growing at that point.

  7. If you're a guy, guys grow till' they are 21. If you're a girl, sorry, at 16 you'll stop and that's your height for life. Be thankful you're healthy. Doesn't matter how tall. . .

  8. stretching everyday and yoga

  9. I seen on discovery channel there are doctors in china that do sugeries to make people taller.

  10. Get lots of sleep and eat well.

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