
Tips on how to increase my vertical jump?

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I have been doing situps and calf raises, but i was wondering if there is some genius way to increase it exponentially.




  1. Ok ive asked this on yahoo answers and everybody has given me complicated answers. so i asked my  coach.

    its simple.

    Jump high boxes or levels of something 20 times a day.

    after 2 weeks my jump increased ALOT!

  2. Alright, I'm going to try and simplify this as much as possible because the only thing worse than not getting an answer to your question is a misguided or overly complicated one. If this is a longer answer than you've anticipated, I apologize.

    While I am 6'2'', I've always struggled with leaping. After many years of struggle, I have eventually been able to increase my vertical significantly in high school with the proper workout, diet and time dedicated to sleeping. I'm still 6'2'' and in my second year of college, however, I can jump very high with ease.

    From my personal experiences, there are many ways to get to the same result when it comes to physical training. The same is true for your vertical. And while you might still receive results, I don't recommend sticking to only a few workouts. As a general rule to the muscle(s) you want to improve, you must condition them to a variety of exercises so they can perform at their best. Of course, the more you work out, the more your diet and sleep comes into play. Also, be cautious to not over train yourself. You will notice this when your body feels too exhausted to function, whether it's later that day or the following days to come.

    I don't believe in set rules with working out. Everyone is different, therefore, you should  learn how your body responds to working out and workout as much as you can without becoming overly fatigued. I personally workout three  days a week because I can train with 100% efficiency each day and still have enough time to rest my muscles for the rebuilding process. As long as you're consistently eating, drinking water and receiving plenty of sleep with your workouts, you'll reach your goal rather quickly.

    If you want a greater vertical you must understand which muscles are required for this to work. While calves can help you jump higher, they won't exclusively allow you to become a great leaper. Point being, you do not need enormous calves as I'm skinny and can consistently bounce a volleyball on the ten foot line, sometimes even shorter. I believe that your core is the most important part of your body as they allow you to perform a physical task with the most efficiency. Once again, you don't want to exclusively train your core, but your core should be the foundation to your physical training. I cannot emphasize that enough.

    As long as you're consistently training your core and your legs, whether it's lifting weights, performing jumping exercises, or even both, you will undoubtedly reach your goal. Again, be sure to not over train your muscles as that could prevent you from reaching your goal in a timely fashion.

    Just remember, whenever you work out, you should be more concerned with your strength rather than the size of your muscles as your size will increase with strength.

    I hope this helps and good luck.

  3. Doing a jump program to increase your vertical is probably the best way to do it. That is what I do in the offseason to improve and maintain my vertical.

    The program I use is called Air Alert 3, is the website for the program. All you have to do is print it off right from the website and you are ready to go. It gives you visual and verbal explanations of how to do the exercises and also a week by week schedule for the reps and sets. This is the best program I have every used.

    Just a couple tips if you do choose to use it or any program. First stretch a lot, stretch before doing the program, during inbetween sets, and a lot after. This way you maximize the vertical gain from the program and you avoid injury. Also when warming up AVOID running, this is because running defeats the purpose of the jump program. The purpose of the program is to improve your muscle strength vertically (obviously), but if you run your muscles are warming up to strenghten going "forward" which defeats the purpose of jumping. So do a few jumping actions to get warmed up, like do a few block jumps. But basically the most important part is the stretching.

    This is a very productive program and it will increase your vertical, it does get strenuous but if you stick with it the gains will be worth it.

    Good luck!!!!

  4. tip drills,and get those shoes that isolate the muscle,i forgot what theyre called,theyre really funny looking but they work

  5. Jump Higher - Vertical Leap Exercises


    There are tons of 'How to Jump Higher' programs out there, and perhaps someday we'll review some of them. Or, create our own. For now we present a list of jumping exercises that over time should help increase your vertical leap. More jumping exercises and other guides coming in the future.

    NOTE: These exercises are known to help one's physical fitness and incease leaping ability. If you have any sort of injury, have any health problems, have any questions, or you feel any pain while exercising, then stop, and consider consulting a doctor.

    Vertical Leap Exercises - How to Jump Higher

    Don't do jumping exercises 7 days a week. Four or five days per week is enough. If you do it every day, you may give up after a week or two. The idea is to keep exercising for months, or years, consistently. Note that we have not organized an actual jumping program. Inside Hoops is providing exercises that should help your fitness and leaping ability.



    Before starting the exercises, warm up your muscles. Stretch properly, and jog around for a few minutes.

    If you have a jumprope, use it. Jumping rope definitely helps your conditioning.

    Running up and down stairs for a while is very useful as a warmup, or a full exercise. Don't do too much or else you may wear our your legs. Use it as a quick warmup, or a full exercise.


    Deep Knee Bends --- Be standing. Slowly bend at the knees while keeping your back straight. Slowly crouch down as low as possible (it shouldn't hurt) and slowly rise back up. Do this 15 times. Over time increase to 20, 30, etc.

    Deep Knee Bend Jumps --- Be standing. Crouch down as described above but fairly quickly, almost touching your bottom to the ground, then explode upwards as high as you can. The moment you land, immediately crouch and launch back up again. Do this 15 times, and when you can, increase to 20, 30, etc.

    Toe Raises --- Stand regularly, then raise up onto the tips of your toes. Lower back down. Don't just rock up and down, do it slowly (not too slowly) but steadily. Repeat 30-50 times.

    Toe-Raise with Weights --- If you have any sort of weights, holding/wearing them while doing these toe raises will help. Use small weights (a mere 5 or 10 pounds is fine) and work your way up.

    Stomach Crunches --- We believe that sit-ups are bad for your back. Stomach crunches, where while lying on your back, using your ab muscles and keeping your back straight, you rise up just enough to lift your shoulders off the ground, are better. Do them often - perhaps for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.

    Jumping Rope--- Jumping rope definitely helps your vertical leap. Jump rope while watching tv or something. Make it a habit.

  6. Do the above mentioned deep knee jumps, but do them in a sandbox. And don't forget to use your arms!!! Swing them in time with your launch, and you should be able to increase your air time - which is just what you need when blocking or spiking

  7. Jump from your HEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jump from your heels [ack like your going to block] and go up to a wall and transision until you get all the way around the wall or room or whatever

    hope you get em higher!!!!

    xoxo =]

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