
Tips on how to run 200m ?

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sprinting that is




  1. run like you were getting chased by michael jackson

  2. Run smaller distances at first to get up to it and once you can do it well if you feel capable you could try it with a small parachute or you could wear a weight vest. While running you need to breath and don't look at the ground as that causes falling. You could build your leg muscles by using a leg curl machine if you have access to one.

  3. Flat out

    relax your shoulders concentrate on high knees

    and good range of arm movement

    when you come off the bend dig deep

    the pain is worth it wen you win

    most importantly

    RUN TALL!!

  4. go to your track and jog 200m 2 times then sprint it once

    3x a day

    and drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit and vegtables

  5. eat healthy and  run alot so u can in the game

  6. pace in the beginning, focus on breathing, and in the end run as fast as you can

  7. I myself am a good sprinter. I prefer the 200m to the 100m. Make sure that you use your arms and take short paces rather then long strides as this slows you down. Make sure you start like athletes do with your hands on the line as it gives you a good foreward momentum to get you started. Keep your head down for the first 10-20m. Depending on whether your track is 400m or more. The one i use is 400m so it starts with a curve in the first 100m. hope i helped.

    Good Luck!

  8. Keep urging yourself on while you sprint even when you're tired and also, dont be nervous because that helps too.

  9. 200m is easy i can run it in 25 seconds or less. Just eat right and come prepared and stretched and well rested.

  10. Don't just run as fast as you can strait off wait until the last 70m !

  11. keep putting one leg in front of the other quickly

  12. have something chasing u, something with big pointy teeth, perhaps a rabid dog

  13. to run 200m? train progressively, breathe, don't talk (^^lol)...and run! when running, 200m are not that long! 'All the Best!"

  14. use your legs

  15. pretend there's a crazy animal chasing u?

  16. i myself try to focus on my breathing... then promise myself a reward at the end if i finish as fast as i can!

  17. Hold your breath for the first 15m this sounds stupid I know but it creates an impact and makes you run faster also try practising running on your toes with high knees this will slow you down slightly at first but after a few practises will make you faster and improve your stride. I'm a 200m sprinter if you need any more help just mail me :)

  18. sprint u t**t and drive ur right arm hard as u go round the bend

  19. sort your breathing and keep it in a rythm. And stride long, rather than jog or sprint (if u can sprint then wow) but it's about keeping that balance between jogging and sprinting, you will know when u are running.

  20. Train hard.  If you are in the right condition then it is a full on sprint.  Start strong finish strong. Go easy on the curve.

  21. start by healthiens. jog every day for 35 min. do your best babe.

  22. everyone else is wrong.. you should sprint the last 125 meters. i have raced the 200 meter sprint the past two years..

  23. use the curb to your advantage "push off" it.  at least thats what my coach says. and give it you all at the last 100 meters.

  24. Absolutely leg it and dont hold back at all!!! But it will start to hurt so when it does try to ignore it... just think 'it'll be over soon'!!! But just try your best and you'll do fine! =]

  25. Fast!

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