
Tips on how to skimboard?

by  |  earlier

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i have no idea how to do it. any pointers would be appreciated. and also what type of board should i get considering i'm a beginner who's probably going to stick to riding on top of the sand..not waves yet?




  1. if your sticking to sand, try to get a thinner board, even a woodie. but i'd still go with a foam board if i were you. i started with i think a zap bullet, it was a nice board.

    so basically, you're gonna wanna think RUN, DROP, SKIM.

    after the wave breaks and the waters coming up, you run with the board in a comfortable position for you to drop it.

    when you think it's a good time (it's hard to explain a good time, at first your timings gonna be off but soon the right time will click), drop the board on the thin layer of water. DON'T THROW IT! just drop it in front of you so you can take a few steps to kind of WALK on, not JUMP on it.

    a lot of beginners make the mistake of throwing the board and then running 4875 steps and jumping on it.

    you want to be able to run, drop the board, and take only like 2 steps to gently like, glide onto the board.

    it will take a while to get it down, but its not too bad.

    when you're on and riding, just try to keep your balance and keep your knees bent. have your legs shoulder width apart and you should be fine. if you feel like you're gonna fall, just hop off. it's better than actually falling and busting your ***.

    a little trick you can try once you can ride on the thin layer of water is just duck down, stick your hand in the sand for a second, and stand back up. you should start spinning. it's fun.

    oh! and when your board goes out to the water, try to avoid running after it, especially if you have a carbon or fiberglass board because theres a good chance that a wave will come and smash the board into your shins/feet, and it is not fun at all. wait til the board washes up.

    hope that helped!

    check out too

    it's really useful.

  2. Go to the ocean and then stay in the shallow part of the water (unless you have one of those surfboard skimboards). Wait until a wave comes up the beach and then get a running start. Gently toss the board, making sure that it is parrallel to the ground, and then jump on it and keep your balance. Plus you don't want to get too deep in the water because the wooden boards don't float; you should be in water that is a cm tall. If you have one of the surfboard skimboards, then start out at the edge of the  water and run straight into the water. Then once you are about half a foot in the water, throw your board and jump on it.

    Here's a tip: Sometimes when there's those pools and then the ground rises and there's a short layer of water on it and then the water gets deeper again, that's the perfect spot to go. Me and my brother found this out when I asked him if this would work and you go SO FAR. It's awesome.

  3. i just started skimboarding too. i went to walmart and baught a nash sports board. it worked really well and its cheap so if you mess up and break it buy a new one. buy the wider lighter one . make sure you also buy surfboard wax and rub it on top of the board for more "traction". some tips to start are:

    -dont be scared to do it in public. you wont embaress yourself just try and try

    - go on the edge of the beach wait for a wave to wash up and as soon as it starts to go back into the ocean walk with board and gently toss it forward and run and step on it

    -practice practice practice it takes a while to get used to it but youll eventually get it

    i hope this helped

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