
Tips on improving my creative writing!?

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Can anyone tell me how I can improve my creative writing, I've had writer's block lately.

By the way, I'm almost 13.

Thanks ;)




  1. Start writing sentences about things in your life. For example: write about your neighborhood and the people in it. It can be sentences or even short paragraphs.

    Don't write as if you are going to have to make a story out of it! Just write! It is amazing how much you can write about the things you see everyday.

    Also, remember this: great writers can make you feel as if you are there in the story. They do this using words that describe what you taste, smell, see and hear. Most people ony write about what they see. By adding the other senses, you make the story "rich in texture". You give it life.  Good luck!

  2. dont be around other writer and dont read books. listen to music and imagine a story.

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