
Tips on keeping room clean??

by Guest60584  |  earlier

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i have a problem w/ messyness and my parents said they wont buy me contacts until i keep my room clean for at least a month and a half....




  1. Contacts?

    Theyre for your eyes arent they??

    haha! Jus tell'em you cant SEE the mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This system works for me; it may work for you.

    You will need: clean sheets (this is optional if you have recently washed your sheets), a large trash bag, laundry basket, and boxes for storage)

    Step 1: Make your bed; if you haven't washed your sheets recently,  pull the old sheets off the bed and put clean sheets on.

    Step 2: When the bed is made, pick up anything out of place and put it on the bed. This includes messy piles on top of dressers, on bookshelves, and on your desk.

    There is one exception to this step: food-related trash: Toss it in the kitchen garbage immediately.

    Step 3: Pick up one item at a time and decide what to do with it.

    A. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

    B. Put clean clothes away in your dresser and/or hang them up, as appropriate. Note: if you are not certain of the cleanliness of an item, put it with your dirty clothes.

    C. If an item is trash, toss it in the trash bag.

    D. If an item is something old or no longer needed, but others may get use out of it, put it in a box marked "Give/Sell". (I.e. clothes that don't fit, old shoes, music you no longer listen to; books you don't read, etc.)

    E. If an item is something you want to keep, put it in its proper place. Use storage boxes as necessary to keep related items, or collections which you don't display all the time, in a safe place.

    F. If you find things which friends have loaned you, or overdue DVDs from video rental stores and/or, materials from the library, put them near the front door so you remember to return them, if you are not done with them.

    4. When everything is off your bed and your room is in order, sweep and mop (if you have a hardwood floor) or vacuum to get rid of any food crumbs. This will help keep bugs out of your room.

    Speaking of bugs, if you don't want to find roaches or spiders or other insects during the cleaning process, make certain any food trash (wrappers, empty water bottles) are thrown away on sight. Don't put food trash on your bed or you will get food crumbs on your bed and have to wash your sheets!

    Remember, once your room is clean, it will be easier to keep clean.

    Best of luck!

  3. put up whatever you use right after you use it

  4. Spend a Saturday afternoon organizing and sorting through everything you have in your room.  Ask your parents to help.  Get rid of anything you don't use and find places for everything you're keeping.  If you have a lot of one item, then get rid of the oldest or least liked until you have a reasonable amount of it.  Do not keep anything that doesn't have a place in your room.  Anything in your 'do not keep' pile that can be donated should, everything else should be thrown away.  Your parents can even get a tax break on the donated items so make sure they get a receipt.  Once you have finished sorting, your room should be clean.  From then on, you need to put things away as you finish using them.  Always put your dirty clothes in a laundry basket you keep in your room.  If you don't have one, ask your parents to get you one so you can keep your room clean.  If you do it as you go, then your room will always be clean and you'll hardly do any work.

  5. throw everything u own in the garbage and just have ur clothes and will stay clean

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